CHAPTER 53: Old Jeon Visiting

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Third person's POV.


Jungkook  takes some tissue and wipes Lisa’s hand carefully as if it is a priceless antique. Both are feeling embarrassed by what just transpired and are spotting equally flushed faces although when she sees his crimson earlobes, she wonders why he is acting like a rabbit when he is so obviously a wolf just minutes ago.

When he is done, he kisses her hand gently and she jerks her hand back. She announces that she is going home and makes a beeline for the door as Jungkook says to her retreating back. “Thank you.”

Lisa feels so weird; is she supposed to answer “you are welcome” in such a situation? Deciding to ignore him, she opens her door and suddenly feels a furry sensation at her ankles. Schrodinger has appeared from nowhere and is meowing at her cutely as he rubs against her. Confused, she looks at Jungkook who offers his take on his cat’s behavior. “I thinks he wants to follow you home.”

Schrodinger: “Meow!"

Lisa guesses that Schrodinger is probably heart-broken over his owner’s treatment and is …. running away from home? She smiles at his adorable face. “Can he stay over at my house tonight?”

Jungkook  is surprised by her question. “Can he?”

“Of course.”

“Can you let his owner stay over too?” The question is said very softly and she did not catch it across the distance. “I beg your pardon?”

“Nothing. Can you please take him home? I will send over his dish and cat food shortly.”

She leaves with Schrodinger and Jungkook takes the opportunity to shower and reflects on what just happened. He remembers the sensation of her soft hands on him, and the feeling is so incredible, it seems to have left a lasting imprint on his brain. When he finds himself stirring again, he quickly changes his line of thoughts. He changes into a clean shirt and pops over to Lisa’s place with Schrodinger’s stuff. When he sees his cat – who appears very comfortable in a new environment with no signs of discomfort whatsoever – his eyes become full of jealous admiration.

The next day, Lisa is woken up very early when Schrodinger jumps onto her bed and starts scratching her face. Suddenly understanding why Jungkook  is such an early-riser, she rubs her sleepy eyes … and packs him home to his owner.

Jungkook  has already made breakfast, which consists of bacon fried rice, egg soup and fruit platter. He has cut a red apple into the shape of a swan and has placed it among a “sea” of orange. Lisa inwardly sighs that his feminine-side is acting up again as she wonders how is she going to eat such a pretty fruit platter?

After she has finished her breakfast, Lisa first duty as jobless person is to tally up her assets. Her conclusion: “Wow, sister me actually has 300 over thousand dollars.”

Jungkook  puts down the newspaper he is reading. “Is that a lot?”

Lisa knows that she is dirt poor compared to him and can only reply. “What I mean is, I will not be going hungry in the short term.”

Her sentence makes even less sense to Jungkook . “How can you go hungry when I am around?”

Although Lisa laughs at his words, in truth she is very touched. “Even so, I must still look for a new job.”

“Why must you look for a new job?”

“Your question is so weird. If I do not work, should I only live off my savings?”

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