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Third person's POV.


Over the next few days, Rosé tries to avoid Namjoon as much as possible. It helps that Jungkook  has fallen sick and Namjoon’s attention is temporarily diverted so much so that he has no time think about Rosé. When he finally has time notice her, she is so eager to please him if she is a dog, she would probably be wagging her tail, he has cooled down sufficiently not to press for her resignation.

Still the incident did not make her feel less irksome in his eyes. He figures that if she is so free to gossip and spin tales about others, she might as well use the time to work and he feels no qualms pushing work her way.

Over the next few weeks, Rosé’s life is in one word – misery. She has to put in overtime every day and she dares not complain as she accepts all her assignments with a smile, no matter how indignant she is feeling inside. It does not help that Namjoon picks on her writing and would often ask her to re-write entire paragraphs in her proposals and submissions, but she grits her teeth and let her fingers do the working.

Deep down, Rosé knows that she is very average. To make up for it, she tells herself that she needs to put in more hard work, which is why her performance at work is generally above satisfactory.

And irksome though she may be, she can be pretty amusing and Namjoon is not above pulling pranks on her just to laugh at her. Once, Namjoon runs into her when he is knocking off. It is 8.30pm and he is on his way out when spots her in front as she brings out some trash to dispose at the pantry dustbin, so he decides to scare her.

Poor Rosé is spooked to hear a faint, raspy “Ro…ooo…. Seeeeeé….” coming from what she thought is an empty office and she quickens her pace without trying to be too obvious about it. But when she feels a tap on her shoulder, she jumps visibly, stumbles forward and nearly twists her ankle.

When she sees that it is Namjoon, her “nearly twisted” ankle quickly turns into a “severely twisted” ankle as supported by the fact that one of her heels has broke off. Namjoon offers to pay for the damage, she wheedles him into buying her a new pair of shoes instead.

Namjoon feels guilty enough to drive her to the mall. They walk into the first shoe shop he sees, but Rosé finds the shop is too expensive and insists they go another shop. Namjoon is rather impressed by himself for not dumping her on the spot and he mentally psych himself to follow her to another less branded shop where he picks for her a pair of light blue heels with a ribbon in front.

Rosé is not impressed. “No, this pair is too childish. I am to be the Queen of the workplace in future.”

“I beg you to spare Her Majesty and change your shoes immediately!”

She remains seated. “My leg hurts. You help me.”

Namjoon takes a deep breathe…. endure! and he grits his teeth and bends down. It is not a comfortable position so he squats down instead. Rosé is over the moon that her Man God is at her feet quite literally and smiles with stars in her eyes. Namjoon misses her expression since he is looking at her feet and he mutters. “I say, do your feet smell?”

She sticks out both feet in response. “No they don’t. If you don’t believe me, you can smell them.”

Namjoon rolls his eyes. “You can go die.”

After he has paid for the shoes, Namjoon offers to drive her home. Rosé is in an excellent mood and starts to hum a tune. This brings back frightening memories of her last singing performance and he asks her unceremoniously to shut up. She complies but she has a favour to ask. “Boss Kim, can you not make me do so much overtime? See, I have worked so hard that I have lost weight.”

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