CHAPTER 9: Assumptions

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Third person's POV.


After a good lunch and an expensive dinner, Lisa resumes working the next day. After work, she meets Rosé for dinner and they were enjoying their mala (spicy) hotpot when gets a call from "Little Repressed Prince" on her handphone. The is referring to Jungkook since Lisa does not use actual names in her contacts.

"Hello Jungkook?"


"Yes speaking."

"Schrödinger is asking if you are coming for dinner today."

In her mind's eye, Lisa can see actually see Schrödinger with his haughty face. He is probably pawing Jungkook right now as if to say "Owner, call that lisa and see if she is coming to snatch my dinner again. If she is, burn her at the stake!"

Giving an involuntary shudder, Lisa drops her hand phone. At the other end, Jungkook holds his phone away from his ear at the loud 'bang!'. After a beat, he hears her say "I shall spare you tonight and have dinner elsewhere."

Jungkook thinks that if she ever quit sales, she has a bright future as a professional beggar. He replies 'ok' and is about to hang up when she adds. "What are you cooking for dinner tomorrow? Shall I buy the ingredients?" Afraid he may not get her hint for dinner, she adds on meaningfully "You know what I mean right?"

"Of course. I am not mentally challenged."

They hang up and Lisa and Rosé continue with their meal. To Rosé, Jungkook is like a godly presence and she peppers her friend with tons of questions on her god. "How does he look like when he is cooking? Is he handsome? Do you have a picture? Even a candid shot of his back is fine."

Lisa honestly doesn't know. Jungkook is very good looking but he is spotting a swollen cheek and has a mark on he's face at the moment even after Days has passed – which she feels guilty whenever she sees it – so she avoids looking at him. In fact, she is more familiar with how Schrödinger looks than him.

Thinking of the cat, Lan Shan asks. "Have you heard of Schrödinger?"

"Yes I have. He is a bad, bad guy."


"He looked a cat up in a gas chamber and then has the cheek to ask if the cat died after the experiment. What a sicko." Rosé has come across the name "Schrödinger" when she was researching on Jungkook. She does not understand what his testing is about and can only remember that it involves animal torture.

Rosé continues. "Tell me more about Mr JK. If I know more about him, there is still a chance I can woo him back for my company."

After Liss has told Rosé all that she knows, the latter looks more confused.

"Lisa, don't you find it weird?"

Although they have been friends for some time, Lisa has never fully understood Rosé's thought logic. 

"In what way?"

"He is unattached! With his attributes, he is just like Tripitaka in "Journey to the West"! Why has no demoness appeared yet to capture him?"

"Perhaps he has not met anyone interesting?"

"No way. It must be his sexual orientation"


Rosé gives her a knowing look.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Mr.JK is probably that Buff man Namjoon's Lover"

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