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      "𝙅𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙚 𝘿𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙬𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚."

Third person's POV.


Although Lisa has full faith in Jungkook, she has never forgotten that she has a love rival who works in the same place as Jungkook. That woman has obviously not given up on Jungkook  and is likely planning to sabotage her happiness at the first opportunity. True to her suspicions, Jungkook  says one day: “Jennifer tried to seduce me today.”

For a dense person like Jungkook  to say such a thing, Lisa can imagine how blatant the seduction attempt must be and wants to call Jennie out to give her a piece of her mind. Jungkook  feels that the time to prove his loyalty has come and assures Lisa that he will cut off all ties with Jennie forever after.

He calls Jennie in Lisa’s presence and tell her solemnly that he is not going to have further dealings with her, In addition, she is not to talk to him ever again. Lisa is somewhat mollified and thinks that the matter is settled rest.

Thus, she is caught by surprise when Jennie  turns up at her shop the next day to look for her.

Jennie pushes a lab result and diagnosis report to Lisa, and tells her that she has been diagnosed with leukemia and that she probably has less than 3 years to live. After she has gotten over her shock, Lisa tries to console Jennie by encouraging her to be brave and not to give up hope on treatment. Jennie gives a bitter smile and says seriously. “I came today to apologize to you. I admit I used to love Jungkook  and yes, I have tried to get close to him. I know that it is wrong so I want to tell you how sorry I am.”

“Um, ah, it is ok? I too have scolded you in the past and I hope you can forgive me too.”

“I took the first wrong step so there is nothing to forgive. But Lisa, can you please, please tell Jungkook  not to ignore me completely? I have truly given up on him, but it helps if I can just see him and talk to him sometimes. Can you please help?” And fat tears start to roll down her face.

Lisa is conflicted as she thinks about the situation. Although she is someone whose likes and dislikes are very distinct, she has a soft heart. In this aspect, she is the opposite of Jungkook , who despite his easy-going appearance, is probably be more heartless than she can ever be.

Jungkook  notices her preoccupation at dinner that night as she looks blankly at her rice bowl. “Lisa, are you feeling ok?”

She sighs. “Jungkook , can you not ignore Jennie completely?”

“What do you mean?”

“I believe my meaning is very clear.”

Jungkook  is not pleased. “I do not understand. Can you please elaborate?”

Lisa puts down her chopsticks and tells him about Jennie’s illness.His response is to shake his head. “I am sorry to hear that she is sick but what you are asking for are 2 separate matters. It is not as if she cannot get well if I am not around.”

“I know, but I just cannot help but feel sorry for her when she pleaded with me today. I am not trying to sell you to her…. ay, I do not know what I am saying anymore. I am so confused!”

Jungkook  falls silent and says after a whie. “Jennie is a cunning person.”

“What do you mean?”

“Lisa, did you check that it is her name that is printed on the medical report?”

“Of course I did! I may not be very learned but I can still recognize a person’s name.”

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