CHAPTER 47: Jungkook's The One I Like

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Third person's POV.


Lisa knows beforehand that Jungkook will be going to the riding club with Namjoon but she is surprised to see Rosé there as well. "What are you doing here? I thought you dislike riding because it hurts your bum?"

"I think that is precisely why Wu Wen insists on bringing me here - so that I will hurt my bum."

Lisa can sympathize with Rosé.Namjoon is probably still upset with her friend over what happened and is trying to make things difficult. Rosé declares stoutly: "I am going to quit one day!"

"Can you bear to?"

"Of course not Still need to pay My Rent!"

Lisa keeps quiet.


Horse riding is an expensive hobby.Lisa likes horses because she grew up in a farm, but once moving to the big city, she has neither time nor money to spend on horses. The horses in this club are mostly racehorses and each horse probably cost as much as a good car, if not more. Lisa is familiar with the Mongolian horses of her youth and knows little about racehorses. Nonetheless, she can tell from sight that these horses are all well groomed and healthy, from their glossy fur and spirited eyes.

One of the prettiest horses in the stable is a white Arabian horse which is slightly taller than the rest. When Taehyung leads the horse to her, she can see beneath the horse's bright eyes that she has the gentle soul of a fairytale princess,and when she pats her head, the horse does not shy away. "Would you like to ride her?"

The question puts Lisa in a quandary. She would love to ride this beautiful horse but this is Taehyung's mare. If she says yes, will she end up riding with him when she much rather ride by herself?

At her hesitation, Taehyung leads her to another horse. It is a grey horse from Denmark and it has patches of white spots on its back like scattered snow. This horse is shorter than the Arabian horse and is more suitable for female riders. Lisa is very pleased but before she can say "I will choose him", Jungkook enters the stable with a big horse in tow and says in a surprised tone. "Lisa, what are you doing here?"

To Lisa, their constant running into each other is like a sign from above that they should be together. Happily, she walks over to circle the black horse in order to better examine his glossy fur and white hooves. "Is he yours?"


Lisa likes majestic horses and can't help a flash of envy. She wishes to pat him on the head but does not quite dare to especially when Jungkook adds. "He does not have a good temper but you can try feeding him some sugar or sweets."

Lisa happen to have some sweets on her and feeds the horse a piece.When he finishes the sweet, she arches her brow. "He is just like you."

Taehyung watches the two of them in silence. Unlike Lisa, he recognizes the horse as a purebred. In terms of speed, it is not as good as his Arabian horse but he can tell that Lisa seems very interested in Jungkook 's horse.

Or is it an extension of her liking for Jungkook? At their continual banter, his heart sinks further.


Lisa points to the black horse: "Are you sure you know how to ride him?"

Jungkook: "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

"He can bring me around as I take pictures on his back."

"You are wasting precious resources!"

At her enthusiasm over his horse, Jungkook wisely goes with the flow. "Why not you ride him?"

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