CHAPTER 60: Jungkook's Wedding Gift

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Third person's POV.


Just when Lisa is too tired to stay awake, her phone rings. Pointing a languid finger at her phone, Jungkook  gets her meaning immediately and passes her the phone. When he sees that the caller is “Boss”, his face turns black as he waves the phone in her face. “Why have you not deleted him from your contact list?”

“I have forgotten.” She does not have the habit of removing people from her contact list unless she has a bone-deep hatred for the other party. Besides, Kim Taehyung, has not contacted her since she has quit so she has relegated him to the back of her mind.

Looking blearily at the ringing phone and at the ominous face in front of her, she presses ‘answer’ and puts the phone on speaker mode, while giving herself a mental pat on the back for being such an open girlfriend.

From the background noise, Taehyung seems to be in a pub. He is somewhat surprised that Lisa is answering his call and after several “Hello-hello?” to ascertain that it is indeed her, he starts to chant her name over and over.

His words sounds slurred and Lisa guesses that he must be drunk as she speaks loudly to make herself heard. “Hi Boss kim? I am Lisa. Is there a reason that you are looking for me?”

“Lisa, I like you.”


Darting a quick look at the doubly-ominous face in front of her, Lisa  is regretting that she has put the phone on speaker mode. She raises her voice another notch to beat the nosy background. “I already like another so it is best that Boss Kim can stop liking me.”

“Lisa, I like you, I really do. I have tried to control myself, but I just can’t help falling for you.”

“Boss Kim, I think you should get your friend to send you home now. Goodbye.”

Once she hangs up, Jungkook  quickly takes her phone to place it on the small table while Lisa lies on her tummy and ponders on her discovery. This is a little incredulous. Taehyung is a proud man and for him to call her in the middle of the night to declare his love in a drunken stupor – and in such an anguished tone – it seems like he really likes her.

However, whether he likes her or not, it changes nothing and she decides she shall continue to dislike him. Jungkook  is a little jealous at her silent contemplation and strokes the back of her head gently. “What are you thinking about?”

Lisa sighs and maintains a completely straight face. “What I can do? It is such a pain to be so popular.”

Jungkook  finds her answer funny and lies down beside her as he gathers her close. “Lisa, it is so good to have you around.”

“I have been meaning to ask, why me? What’s so good about me?”

“I am lucky to have met you, that’s what so good about you. If not, I would probably never know how it feels to fall in love.”

Lisa is a little embarrassed by his praise. “Actually, I think I am the lucky one. There may be many Lisa in the world, but there is one, and only one Jungkook .”

“To me, you are unique.No one can hold a candle to you.”

( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Her face heats up as she giggles. “Ay. Who could have guessed that you are so talented in sweet talk? Stop it before I fall for your words completely."

He kisses her hair and laughs along. “What do you think? Shall I say it everyday to you? For the rest of our lives?”

She is so touched that she starts to shake. Sensing her tremors, Jungkook  is surprised to see tears on her face and wipes them away hurriedly with his thumb. “Hush. Gosh, why are you crying? Please stop crying…”

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