CHAPTER 38: I Like Jungkook

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Third person's POV.


Lisa volunteers to wash the vegetables when Jungkook is cooking and takes the chance to ask him casually. “Jungkook, how do you find me as a person? And do not tell me that I am dumb. I know I am dumb, I want you to tell me something else besides that.”

Jungkook  is in the midst of cutting a gourd into thin, even slices but he stops at the question and looks at her. “You are a person full of contradictions. Sometimes you are sincere; sometimes you are crafty. Sometimes you are passionate; other times you can be very detached. You look like someone who is very thick-skin yet you can be proud. While you seem the generous, forgiving sort, you will keep scores on the wrongs done to you.You actively seek to improve your life but is lazy in your pursuit of knowledge.Your career is well-planned but your private life is a mess. You are very strong in interpersonal relations but you are an introvert in reality. You….”

Lisa picks up a washed cucumber and takes a big bite. “Ok, I get it. You might as well say that I am schizophrenic.”

Lisa nods. “Schizophrenic, with the best possible mix.”

Lisa stops washing and munches on her cucumber. “I can understand all you have said so far except for the introvert bit. Why do you think that I am an introvert?”

“Whether a person is an ‘introvert’ or ‘extrovert’ does not depend on his looks or how he handles people. From a psychological viewpoint, an ‘introvert’ will recover faster from emotional distress when he/she is alone compared to being in the company of others, or through interacting with other people. Although your job gives you financial rewards and achievement, I can tell that it is not really what you want for yourself deep down and for that reason, you will tend to feel tired, or even dislike your job, as you only value it for what it can give you and not the joy from working itself.”

Lisa is a little dazed. “I think you are trying to brainwash me.” When he resumes cutting his vegetables, she turns the question on him. “Then what about you? Are you an introvert or extrovert?”

“Me?“ He paused. “I used to think that I am an introvert but now, I think that I could be a mild extrovert.” Or else there is no way he can explain why his spirits can recover especially quickly whenever she is in the same room as him.

A/N: >>kookie Boy may know Many Psychological View points But simply doesn't Realize That he's only Comfortable with her and No One Else Lol<<

“Opps! Brainwashing unsuccessful.” She would rather believe that he is from outer space than believe that he is an extrovert. Absently, she goes back to washing vegetables and vaguely remembers that she is eating a cucumber. Since it now smeared with her saliva, she decides against putting the cucumber on the countertop in case he takes offense, and continues with her washing with a cucumber sticking out from her mouth.

When Jungkook  looks up from his cutting board, he gets a jolt to see her with this long thing sticking out of her mouth. Even if he is a relatively ‘pure’ man, he has a very secular brother who has introduced him to watch equally secular movies. He can feel his heartbeat accelerating while his ears burn and his throat becomes dry. His breathing is also starting to get a bit irregular as his eyes shine brighter and brighter as he looks fixedly at her.

A/N: (Namjoon The Porn Maniac what are you teaching Jungkook!!!)

Then, it is Lisa’s turn to get a shock when she looks up and sees him like this – sharp knife in his hand while staring at her with an unusual glint in his eyes. “What are you doing? Stay away!“ Backing towards the door, she takes the cucumber out from her mouth and points it at him. “Amitabha! Amitabha! Evil spirits go back to where you come from!”

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