CHAPTER 31: Disappointed Jungkook

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Third person's POV.


The The Staff arranged a barbeque dinner for them.Lisa is disappointed that they cannot see the sunset from their barbeque spot,

Jungkook offers to pay the Staff's more to have their barbeque at the rooftop so that she can see the sunset.

Jungkook brings up a plate of fish from the kitchen which he places on a table besides the barbeque pit, together with the food prepared by their hosts. Their fishing expedition has netted 6 fishes (all of which are caught by him), which have now been cleaned, gutted, and marinated. Looking at the spread, Lisa swallows her saliva and offers to help cook the food although Jungkook is not very appreciative of her offer. “Have you washed your hands?”

“I have.” Lisa places a skewer of fish on the barbeque. “How long do I need to cook this?”

Jungkook's smile transforms his features into a beautiful art piece. “There is no hurry and they will be done in a while.” When he catches her watching the fish hungrily, he is suddenly reminded of Schrödinger and thinks to himself – since he is already taking care of one Schrödinger, surely he can afford to feed another one?

When the food is ready, the four enjoyed a sumptuous meal of meat and wine. They can see the dam from the rooftop and the reservoir is very big, like the sea. The water surface is as still as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding hills and forest in its depth. The weather is excellent and with the setting sun turning the landscape into a sea of orange, the whole world is just like a pretty picture. Lisa closes her eyes and inhales deeply. “The air here is really fantastic.”

Jungkook: “The oxide level here is forty times higher than the city.”

Lisa bites down forcefully on a piece of fish. “I do not understand.”

Jungkook can go into detail about oxide levels, Namjoon stops him and turns to lisa. “Lisa, how do you find my brother?”

Lisa sticks out her thumb. “Nothing to fault.”

“There is indeed nothing one can fault about his IQ; what do you think of his EQ?”

Lisa squints and slants him a “you-know” look and Namjoon laughs. “So you think his EQ is low? Actually, you have underestimated him as he has his moments. His EQ….. alternates between 0 and 100 and does not have any in-between value.”

Lisa blinks. “That amazing?”

Namjoon nods. “You will find out for yourself in future.”

As the subject of discussion, Jungkook only listens quietly and neither expresses his agreement or disagreement. When he looks at Lisa, he get the weirdest feeling that she is listening to what a father would tell his future son-in-law when he entrusts his daughter to the ….. in any case, they feeling is just terrifying weird.

After dinner, Lisa and Rosé goes to the toilet together and remain outside to chat. When Jungkook and Namjoon think it is time they set off for the astronomy centre of the Park, they went in search of the ladies but stop when they overhear their voices. Lisa is asking Rosé. “Do you think he is testing me deliberately?”

“Who knows? But to speak the truth, even I think that there are more pink bubbles between you and Jeon Da Shen not to mention Boss kim. Speaking of him, isn’t it amazing that he is afraid of snakes? Ha.ha.ha. So unfitting of a Top isn’t he?”

Namjoon turns to look at Jungkook. “Why is she  calling me Top?”

“There are 2 meanings for the word. The first is ‘highest in position, rank, or degree.’ maybe because  you are her boss and the second is ‘male or female who enjoys taking dominant roles in sexual play. ... homosexual male who prefers sodomizing rather than being sodomized’” Jungkook gives him a pitying look. “You can choose whichever meaning you prefer.”

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