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Fred and George had returned from dinner, and they forgot all about quidditch. Until, they could hardly get inside because everyone was crowding around the parchment of who made the team and who didn't.

Their friend, Lee Jordan, came up to them and congratulating them. "What?" They said at the same time.

"Come on!" Lee said, bringing them to the front of the paper.

                      Gryffindor Quidditch Team

                     Oliver Wood-Captain-Keeper
                     Angelina Johnson- Chaser
                        Katie Bell- Chaser
                        Fred Weasley- Beater
                       George Weasley- Beater
                      Alicia Spinnet- Chaser
The twins had congratulated each other, and then froze. "What about the seeker? There isn't one on the team anymore, Charlie's graduated." George pointed out. Lee shrugged, and the twins went up to their dorm.

"So?" Elodie asked, dragging the word with a questioning tone. "You're now looking" "At the new" "Gryffindor beaters!" The twins said, finishing each other's sentences.

Elodie clapped, jumping into another hug. Imogen gave them a high five, and they all walked to breakfast together.

Elodie had potions first, meaning She had Snape's class first thing in the morning. Elodie didn't mind Snape, she just hated the things he would make them do to their potions an hour after they had awoke.

"Today you will be mastering a Fire Protection Potion. No mistakes. You have an hour." Snape said, walking back to his desk and studying every single person carefully.

The hour was up, and Snape went to check on Elodie's potion.

"Incendio." Snape said, producing a fire spell. The liquid was not flammable, therefore Elodie had correctly cooked up a Fire Protection Potion.

Classes were over, another lunch break another day. Elodie sat in her seat, next to Imogen, across form Cedric.

Elodie was laughing at something Cedric said, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Dove, the first year puff, and she held out her hand.

"Is this yours?" Dove asked, showing Elodie the ring Fred gave her the summer going into first year. Elodie thanked the girl, and starred at the ring.

"How did it fall off?" Elodie said, but then she noticed the metal on the back was split into 2, and it must've slipped through her finger. Elodie displayed a sad face, but it was quickly replaced with a happy one. She had remembered she could easily mend it.

Elodie placed the ring on the table, and got her wand out of her robes. She pointed it at the ring, and said the spell. "Occulus Repairo." And just like that, Elodie's ring was as good as new. She slipped it back on her finger and continued eating. Elodie was lucky Dove was behind her in the hallway from her DADA class, or else Elodie would've probably never seen her ring again.

Elodie was with Luna, walking around the forest. It was sunset and the two girls were just talking with each other on how their days went, what's been on their mind, all the usual conversation stuff.

"Is Fred your boyfriend?" Luna asked. Elodie turned towards her and her nose turned red. "I uh...I don't think so, Luna. Why?" She responded. "You two seem awfully close." Luna responded. She was right. Fred and Elodie were the kids who got close but would deny all possible rumors or jokes about liking each other or dating. Maybe it was because they were so young, or because they really just didn't want to deal with it. Luna was definitely a supporter of them. When they were together, it was funny watching them joke around. It reminded Luna of her mum and dad.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now