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As Harry investigated the sink, he tried his best to figure out how to open in. Then it hit Ron. "Harry say something! Say something in parseltongue!" Ron said.
He spoke parseltongue, and the entire sink itself opened up. Lockhart took a sharp inhale.

"Nice job, Harry. Ha, goo work. Well then I'll just be uh..There's no need for me to stay." Lockhart said, trying to run. Ron and Harry caught him, pushing him back. They pointed their wands at him, telling him to go down the chamber first. He kept arguing, and when he finally agreed, but hesitated, Ron shoved him with the tip of his wand.

"Oh Harry." Moaning Myrtle said. Harry looked over at the ghost. "If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet." Myrtle said, giggling. "Uh..thanks, Myrtle." Harry replied, trying not to hurt her feelings.

They slid down a very long tunnel, and landed in a pit of bones. They got up and began walking. There was a small cave in the middle of the entrance and the chamber itself. In it, was a large snake skin. "Bloody hell!" Ron said. Harry told them it must've been the Basilisk's. Something triggered Lockhart, because he fainted right next to Ron.
"Hard to rely on, this one." Ron said.

He then stood up, stealing Ron's wand. "The adventure ends here, boys. But don't fret, the world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl, how you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So, first Mr. Potter, say goodbye to your memories. OBLIVIATE!" Lockhart said. With Ron's broken wand, the curse shot back at him, stunning him and making him fly backwards. As he crashed into the cave wall, it began to rumble. The rocks fell, separating Ron towards the entrance and Harry towards the chamber.

Lockhart woke up from the backfired spell. He looked up at Ron. "Hello. Who are you?" He asked smiling. "Um..I'm..Ron Weasley." Ron replied. "Ooh. And, who am I?" Lockhart asked. He then picked up a rock from the ground. "What an odd place. Do you live here?" Lockhart asked Ron. Ron grabbed the rock from his hand, and smashed it against Lockhart's head, making him fall back unconscious.

Harry made a plan for Ron to try and clear some rocks through, while he went to go find Elodie.
As he walked, there was a huge circular metal door with snakes on it. Harry began to speak parseltongue once more, and the snakes backed up into the other end of the door, unlocking it. Harry walked through it, and climbed down a ladder that a tiny platform hung it from. The chamber was gigantic. There was a long stone walkway, and on either side a pool of water. Then there were snake heads on the wall, about 7 or 8 on each side.

As Harry walked down the walkway, Elodie's body got closer. She was in some sort of coma.
"Elodie.." Harry said to himself, now running to her.

"Elodie! Oh Elodie please don't be dead. Wake up! Wake up. WAKE UP! Please, awake." Harry said, shaking her body.
"She won't wake." A voice said. Harry turned around, and slowly walking towards him was Tom Riddle.
"Tom? Tom Riddle? What do you mean she won't awake? She's not-" Harry said, shaking his head no. "She's still alive. But, only just." Tom said.

"Are you a ghost?" Harry asked. "A memory. Reserved in a diary for fifty years." Tom replied. Harry touched Elodie's wrist. "She's as cold as ice. Oh, Elodie, please don't be dead. Wake up. You've got to help me, Tom. There's a Basilisk." Harry said. Tom stood back up from sneaking down to pick Harry's wand up from the ground. "It won't come till it's called." Tom replied. "Give me my wand, Tom." Harry said, reaching his hand out.
"You won't be needing it." Tom said. "Listen we've got to go, we've got to save her." Harry fought. "I'm afraid you can't do that, Harry. You see, as poor Elodie grows weaker, I grow stronger. Yes, Harry. It was Elodie Jian who opened the chamber of secrets." Tom said.
"No, she couldn't, she wouldn't." Harry said. "It was Elodie Jian who sent the Basilisk on the mudbloods and Filch's cat, Elodie who wrote the frightening messages on the walls." Tom said.
"Why?" Harry asked. "Because I told her to." Tom replied. "You'll find that I can be very, persuasive." He added. "Not that she knew what she was doing. She was in a, let's say, some sort of trance. So the power of the diary began to scare her, and she tried to dispose of it in the girl's bathroom. And then, who should find it, but you? The very person I was most anxious to meet." Tom said.

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