Scenario 107: The Space Pirates VS The League

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With the organization called: The Light still active with its many members and enforcers attempting to protect and control Earth through villainous means, they realized that they could not continue to clone Kryptonians as that would require them to fight against the Justice League once again, as they had already created a clone of Superman, Superboy...

So in the end, they were in a meeting to "brainstorm" what they could create as the symbol of peace that they could control as a contingency if "Red Arrow" fails his objective...

As everyone was clueless on what they could create, but Ra's Al Ghul then gave a suggestion, they would've shocked the group to no end...

The Head of the League Of Assassins suggested that they create a clone hybrid of a "Super Sentai" team.

Everyone was confused, except for two people, Lex who was familiar with the name as he had heard of it from his Japanese business partners, which gave him the incentive to research about them, and the second person is Vandal Savage who lived through the past as he was the one who formed the "Black Cross Army / Black Crusaders" which the first "Super Sentai" team, Himitsu Sentai Goranger, battled against...

The group was surprised that Vandal Savage showed a slight scowl on his face, but that scowl quickly turned to a smirk, as he thought that he would get his payback against the "Five-man" version of the Justice League with The Light's latest creation.

Though the one thing that bothered Vandal Savage and the ones that knew of "Super Sentai" the most was the question of which team do they clone..?

Originally, Vandal Savage suggested that they made hybrid clones of  Himitsu Sentai Goranger, but Lex quickly rejected that with the fact that the former members are too old, which could result in a defective clone. 

So Lex then suggested Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger for the fact that they are the team that could transform into the other Super Sentai Teams, along with the fact that they are from different planets whose race is very similar to humans, which could result in a healthy clone that could inherit special traits from their Race's genes.

Vandal Savage actually wanted to push for his idea, but the thought of their creation using their powers to do their bidding was too good to pass up, so in the end, they all agreed to create hybrid clones of the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger team...

And with that decision being solidified, they then proceeded to send agents to collect their DNA.

They also planned to kidnap one of the captive Meta-teens, who happened to have the power to adapt to anything as the meta-genes enable his body to adjust to any environment.

When they finally obtained the DNA of each member, they tried and create eight clones that each had the separate DNA of the Gokaigers.

The clones were a success as they were as what The Light had envisioned from the beginning...

The hidden organization even made the changers and Ranger Keys for them, though the funny part was that the villainous council were pretty much debating which colors they should be, considering that they wanted them to replace the already existing team...

But after a while, they came to a decision, each Ranger's designation and color is:

Gokai Crimson, Male: Kazo Shinku, The Strategic Leader.

Abilities: Capable of observing and formulating strategies from the situation...

Personality: Cunning, Cold, and Calculating, he is the strategist and the leader, who proves that his arrogance has strength behind it...

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