Scenario 30: The Bat, The Skull, The Bike, And The Trump Card...

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In Gotham, there were multiple reports of people turning into monsters all by stabbing some kind of USB Device that they had in hand...

The Batfamily investigated the crime scene...

Batman, Batwoman, Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, and the rest investigated the scenes...

Orphan, Batwing, Signal, and Spoiler were tasked here to investigate the distribution of the devices and is to apprehend anyone that has these in hand and question them in Gotham, while the others were sent to Japan after they found a lead on the source of these USB Devices... 

Batman: "After a much thorough scan the device that these low-level crooks and thug had are called: GaiaMemories..."

Batwoman: "How do you know that?"

Batgirl: "I've dug up some info, turns out a town in Japan called: Fuuto has multiple records of people who held these devices and transformed into what they called: Dopants..."

Nightwing: "Dopants...?"

Red Robin: "As in Doping..?"

Red Hood: "The damn thing is basically the equivalent of drugs..."

Robin: "But drugs have the same effect on all of the victims, but this device had varied abilities granted to the user..."

Red Robin: "Yeah, the Demon Spawn is right..."

Red Hood: "We had faced one ugly Porcupine looking douchebag that could control and fire liquid Nitrogen..."

Batwoman: "Then another weird orange Magma monster..."

Batman: "I looked through the Police Records and apparently they are created and distributed by an Unknown organization called: Museum..."

Red Hood: "Guess that explains why we fought a guy with a T-Rex head a while back...he..."

The Anti-hero chuckled as Nightwing and Batgirl joined in giggling at the comment...

Batman: "But remember that we should never underestimate these people..."

Robin: "Then how is the city intact and safe, Father...?"

Batgirl: "It look's like Fuuto has its own heroes codenamed: Kamen Rider"

Red Hood: "Kamen Rider? What is that, a weird Biker Gang..?"

Batgirl: "Close but no cigar..."

Batgirl: "they always come to the scene with bikes and defeat the bad guys and destroy the Gaiamemories, resulting in the previously called Dopants to turn back to normal..."

Batman: "how do they do that...?"

Batgirl: "I'm not sure..."

Batgirl: "There's no footage, only some pictures..."

Batman: "Put them up..."


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