Scenario 58: The Irregular, The Wolf, And The Cheetah

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Isamu Fuwa and Yua Yaiba are undercover agents of A.I.M.S. a branch of the military that stands for Assessing. Internal. Magic. Security.

This organization handles any breaches of security for important events like the "All High Magic Thesis Competition" where remarkable students can design and create high tech devices which utilize magic and science...

Isamu Fuwa and Yua Yaiba are tasked to monitor First High School students as their school has been targeted by multiple terrorist organizations from the past year and if the terrorists managed to obtain the data used for today's event the sinister bastards would be able to use it for their own gain...

Isamu Fuwa was a brash and reckless individual, who is extremely stubborn and acts all Gung-ho in missions, but for his undercover persona, he is an insecure and anxious pacifist, which is a drastic difference from his original personality...

Yua Yaiba was a cold and calculating individual, who is commanding and very stubborn, but for her undercover persona, she is but an innocent airhead...

The two are tasked and assigned as the security for First High School's team...

The two recognized Tatsuya Shiba since the two of them have already met and known each other fairly well from numerous joint missions...

The two operatives continue with their undercover personas as they posed as ordinary "Weed" Students or as "Course 2" Students...

Continuing, the two accompanied the Thesis Team to Yokohama with their classified project...

When they reach the auditorium of the facility Tatsuya and Ichihara went up on stage as they presented their Competition Entries, but during the middle of their presentation, all hell broke loose...

Soldiers entered the auditorium with weapons as the students were unarmed and vulnerable...

Isamu Thoughts: 'CRAP!'

Yua Thoughts: 'The info was true but they arrived earlier than expected...'

A random Soldier spotted Tatsuya with his tablet and CAD, then the soldier pointed his gun at the student!

Random Soldier: "Drop your CAD!"

The Soldier then looked at Tatsuya's dull and sharp eyes, causing the soldier to be intimidated!

Random Soldier: "DROP IT!"

He said as he soon fired a bullet which was immediately disintegrated when it touched Tatsuya's palm...

The Soldier then proceeded to fire more bullets only for those bullets to be disintegrated by Tatsuya's hand once more...

The Soldier then dropped his gun and pulled out a large knife!


Then he charged at Tatsuya only for Tatsuya to deploy a spell that resulted in an amputated arm!

The soldier screamed in pain as his arm was cut off!

The other soldier saw this and prepared to fire his gun until Isamu intervened...

Isamu: "Couldn't we resolve this issue more professionally and civilly?"

He asked as the Soldier soon charged at him!

Isamu faked panicked and duck before launching himself at the soldier's feet and kicking his gun into the air!

Isamu then stuttered a lot before looking at Yua who saw the gun in the air!

Yua: "I got it! I got it!"

She said before the gun landed in her arms, but she then lost grip and accidentally fired it at the downed soldier who is now dead due to that misfire...

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