Scenario 51: (PJO Reacts) To The Iron Wrought Sea Spawn...

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Ronin: "Okay...."

Ronin: "The next dimension is much more brutal than the previous one..."

Apollo: "How can it get even worse...?!"

Nico: "I have to agree with Apollo here, how can it get even worse than the last one!?"

Annabeth: "What happened in the next dimension...?"

Ronin: "Something that will probably break all of your hearts..."

---Footage Starts---

Percy POV:

Am I a hero?

He asked himself as he shot an arrow through a person's skull!

I'm not sure...

I don't think so...

He pondered as he shot another arrow, killing another person...

Would a hero sacrifice those around him for the greater good?

Shouldn't a hero try and save both sides of each conflict...?

He thought after a massacre killing an entire Terrorist group...

The border between Good and Evil is so thin that you could see through it...

He narrated while seeing the remnants of a battlefield...

Witnessing that both could perceive themselves as Good while the opposition Evil.

Does anything matter any more...?

I don't know...

Should I care?


I think I've lost the ability to care those years ago...

Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Percy Jackson has gotten heartless, huh? would be correct, but I wasn't always like this...


After the war peace ensued as everything in life slowly went back to normal... normal as a life of a Demigod can be...

Camp Half-Blood a place where I'm not an outcast, where I'm "Normal"

I was the happiest person alive knowing that there are other people like me, knowing that I'm not the only weird one...

But that soon changed when I saved another Demigod when he came to the camp with a Hellhound chasing him...

The Demigod was another Son Of Poseidon and his name is Nathan Grant...

I was excited since I had a little brother, I always wanted to be a big brother!

But after I took out the Hellhounds he pushed me to the ground and took Riptide from me, he then spread lies saying that he killed them with no problems while I stood back at the sidelines..!

I was pissed but then again I didn't care, I hoped that at some point everyone would know the truth...

But everyone ate it up and believed him...

I mean it didn't matter, considering that I took out a minotaur the first time I came but who cares...?

---The Next Day---

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