Scenario 49: (PJO Reacts) To The Son Of Poseidon's Concert...

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A/N: I decided to make this after reading a crap ton of Percy Jackson Sings Stories, so you guys know how this is going to go...

A/N: Disclaimer, I chose the songs that were really good when I was making this, so calm down if you're favorite song wasn't picked for this, because I don't know your favorite songs...

After a busy day doing chores the Seven and some other Demigods were taken to a mysterious theatre...

Percy: "Guys...? Where are we...?"

Annabeth: "Good Question, where are we...?"

Grover: "Oh dang, a daughter of Athena not knowing, it's the end of the world..."

Athena: "Silence, Satyr!"

Annabeth: "Mom?"

Athena: "Annabeth..."

Poseidon: "Percy!"

Percy: "Dad!"

Jason: "So our parents are here...?"

Thalia: "Are the other Olympians here...?"

Hades: "We're here alright..."

Dionysus: "Hey! This place has wine I can drink!"

Apollo: "A theatre...?"

Hermes: "Why are we in a theatre..."

Artemis: "This better not be one of your pranks! Brother!"

Apollo: "I wish..."

Hermes: "Same here..."

Ares: "Why can't we be on a battlefield or something..."

Aphrodite: "I love the classy decor here..."

Hestia and Hera nodded in agreement...

Hephaestus: "So the Big Seven and some other Demigods along with us are present in this odd Theatre..."

Sally: "Percy...?"

Percy: "MOM!"

He yelled running to hug his mother!

Poseidon: "Let's check whoever's present currently..."

List Of Demigods:

Thalia and Jason Grace

Percy Jackson

Annabeth Chase

Nico Di Angelo

Hazel Levesque

Clarrise La Rue

Leo Valdez

Piper Mclean

Silena Beauregard









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