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The day was old, as the moon had risen above the academy. And the stars seemed more far than usual, not as shiny.

Lee, who was in his office had finally risen his head from his big pile of work to rest.
Ever since the council learned about the "occurances" around the area, the board had been sending enormous amounts of work and it was getting rather annoying.

"I should probably complain... but then again..."

He sighed. Even complaining wouldn't do much.
Pushing the books aside, he stood up to stretch his arms. And just as he did, his door opened and his old old old ... old old... old old friend walked in.

Lee's eyes widened.

"You... if you're here... you were the one who opened those gateways weren't you?"

Lucifer chuckled.

"Now is that a way to greet an old friend? Come on- what happened to your manners while i was gone?"

Lee's stress started to slowly fade away as he sat back down on his seat.

"You really are a handfull Luci. Come- sit. What can i owe you for your visit?"

Lucifer smirked as he made his way in and took a seat before him.

"Nothing much... just came to say hi. Really."

Lee furrowed his eyebrows, finding it rather suspicious.

"Well- it's overwhelming to see you here. So, what's the reason for your visit to the mortal realm? Those gateways you opened stirred up quiet the trouble for us. Especially for the kids."

Lucifer oh'ed, but he made it obvious that he was not suprised. Lee sighed.

"Don't worry, i actually came here to fix it."

Lee hummed, curious.

"I see... then why would you even come here twice?"

It was his fault so he had to fix it himself anyways. To that, Lee didn't say anything which made Lucifer pleased. He was taking after him.

"Well... including this as my third time- there were... some important matters i had to uh... aid to, let's say."

Lee frowned.

"And since when do you think, hopping from a realm to realm is just going across the hallway to a diffrent room? Seriously."

Lucifer sighed as he leaned on his back.

"You are just like Noctis. Really, i am the king of hell. This is not even a minor matter let alone something to even make trouble of. I admit- ny actions may or may not have caused a series of unexcpected events which have unfolded into some... specific- situations that may or may not have... put you in burden. Sorry."

Lee sighed as well, feeling a lag of words consuming his mind as Lucifer continued his apology- which was more like ranting.

"Fine- just- fix it well before you go back at least. But anyways, so, really, what bought you here? Just to fix this? You were not the kind of devil to just come on earth to fix some random issue which was caused by you."

Lucifer nodded, understanding his point of view.

"True.. i used to be more selfish. I guess when you create your own work of art, one becomes more... selfless. Huh... interesting."

Lee still didn't know what he was talking about. But it seemed as though he had come here for something of his... or someone.
Well, there were hints of Lucifers arrival on earth back in the past. With, Aimi being held captive and Baal being chased... he did know of it but not really.

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