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Upon arriving back at camp, Y/N stayed in Peggy's tent. Peggy was kind enough to request another cot for Y/N. She hadn't left the tent or talked to anyone in a week. Peggy brought Y/N food for every meal, but could hardly get her to eat anything. Peggy was currently in the command tent, listening to Colonel Phillips dictate a letter to a Corporal.

"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third," Colonel Phillips said to the Corporal. "Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers... killed in action. Period."

"The last surveillance flight is back," Peggy stated once he was done. "No sign of activity."

"Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal."

"Yes, sir," the Corporal responded before leaving.

"I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the Army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one."

"With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions," Peggy stated. "And I don't think Captain Rogers did either."

"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions? I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead, cause you had a crush. And not to mention, Y/N Rogers is currently curled up in your tent with no way back to the States right now."

"It wasn't a crush. I had faith."

"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down." Suddenly, soldiers started running and talking excitedly outside of the tent. "What the hell's going on out there?"

Phillips and Peggy followed the crowd to the edge of camp. There, they watched Steve arrive with the freed prisoners. Steve marched right up to the Colonel, saluting him once he had reached the man.

"Some of these men need medical attention," Steve stated. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."

"That won't be necessary," the Colonel responded.

"Yes, sir."

While this was all happening, Y/N could hear the cheers and commotion from outside of Peggy's tent. Slowly, she got up and made her way outside the tent. At the front of the camp, there was a large crowd of people. She began to carefully make her way over. As she reached the edge of the crowd, she heard a shout of a familiar voice.

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" The voice shouted.

She pushed her way through the crowd until she saw them. Saw him. There was Bucky, standing right beside Steve. They were both alive. Tears of happiness cascaded down her cheeks and she pushed more people to the side. Steve was the first one to notice his sister, smiling and holding his arms open wide when he thought that she was running to him. His smile turned into a face of confusion as he watched his sister rush past him and straight to Bucky. She jumped onto him, immediately pulling him into a kiss. Bucky was caught off guard for a brief second before quickly pulling Y/N closer to him. Steve watched, in shock and confusion.

"You're alive," Y/N cried as her and Bucky pulled away from each other.

"I'm alive," Bucky repeated with a grin. "What are you doing here?"

"It doesn't matter." She shook her head. "All that matters is that both of you are alive." She pulled Bucky back in for a hug.

A few minutes later, as the crowd dimmed, Steve awkwardly cleared his throat. "So... mind telling me when this happened?" He asked them.

"You didn't tell him?" Bucky chuckled.

"He was too busy," Y/N answered.

"Hey! I wasn't too busy to know that my twin sister and my best friend got together!" Steve exclaimed.

"Technically it was just a few kisses the night before he shipped off."

"Just a few kisses?!"

"Steve," Peggy laughed. "They're both old enough to do what they want."

"Yeah, Steve. Listen to the pretty dame," Bucky teased. Y/N smacked his chest. "No one's as pretty as you though, doll." He smiled done at her, kissing her head. "No one will ever beat you."

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