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When Y/N woke up, she noticed that she wasn't wearing the tactical suit she had been wearing earlier. Instead, she was wearing a black sports bra and leggings, and was strapped up to a machine. She glanced over and noticed that Pepper was beside her, strapped up and wearing a matching outfit. She was still unconscious though. Killian waltzed in not long after she had woken up.

"Lady America," he playfully greeted. "How was the nap?"

"Don't call me that," Y/N growled. "What are you doing to us?"

"What I'm doing to you? More like what I'm giving to you," Killian answered as he inserted an IV into Pepper's arm. "It's called Extremis."

"What the hell is that?"

"It's an advanced form of genetic manipulation. Extremis harnesses our bioelectrical potential. It grants the human body the ability to heal and regenerate from physical damages, deformities and even psychological damages." Killian walked over to Y/N, rolling up his sleeves. "I've been the head test subject for years." He held up his forearm so that Y/N could see his glowing orange veins. "But now, we've run into some problems."

"You need Tony's help. That's why you took Pepper."

"And you." Y/N winched as Killian inserted an IV into her arm.

"Tony won't do it for me. He'll save Pepper before he'll save me. He loves her."

"How are you that blind? I've only seen video footage and pictures of the two of you, but I've been able to tell for years that he loves you."

"You don't know what you're talking about. He had the chance to fight for me. But, in the end, he still went home to Pepper. When it comes down to it, he will always choose her."

"I get we'll have to wait and see."

He waved two assistants over. One of them went and injected something into Pepper's IV.

"What are you doing to us?" Y/N asked before the second assistant injected her with something, causing her to groan in pain.

Whatever they had injected into the women, began to course through their veins. Burning. This caused Pepper to become more awake and cry out in pain. Killian came up and leaned close to Y/N.

"I'm going to make you perfect," Killian whispered in her ear. He kissed the side of her face before turning around and walking off. "I'll see you girls soon."


With the help of a boy named Harley, Tony had figured out that Aldrich Killian was behind Extremis and the bombings. He also found out that the Mandarin was broadcasting from Miami, Florida. He quickly headed there, not knowing exactly what he'd find. Tony just knew that he needed to stop this before it got worse. He broke into the mansion in Miami to find a crazed addict, named Trevor Slattery, was being paid by Killian to be the Mandarin on television.

Before Tony could get too much out of Trevor though, he was knocked out by Killian's right hand, Savin, taken to the basement, and tied to a standing bed frame with zip ties. Maya was with him, typing away at a computer when woke.

"Ah," he groaned. "Okay.." He tried to move his arms.

Maya turned around and smirked at him. "It's just like old times, huh?"

"Oh, yeah. With zip ties. It's a ball."

"It wasn't my idea."

"Okay. So you took Killian's card."

"I took his money."

"And here you are 13 years later, in a dungeon."


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