hundred sixteen

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The base's alarms began blaring, which caused Y/N to wonder what was going on. She hadn't been left alone for too long, but she'd noticed, in that time, that the base had been completely locked down. The team was either trying to keep someone out, or in. Slowly getting out her tablet, Y/N accessed the security feed. There was an explosion in the hanger, and Fitz was stuck in there with a few others while a gas was slowly filling the hanger. She watched as the gas was turning the other agents into some sort of monsters.

Knowing that she could do something, Y/N opened a portal in front of Fitz and the other agents that hadn't been harmed. They fell through and into the room, panting. Y/N's monitors began to go crazy from the amount of energy she had just used.

"Y/N!" Fitz exclaimed, straightening up and rushing to her side. "You shouldn't have done that," he scolded. "You don't have enough energy."

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Simmons rushed in, having watched the footage with the team in Coulson's office. "That was too dangerous, the both of you!"

Y/N's breathing was labored. "I... had to... save... someone..." she stated.

"You need to eat something. Let me have-"

"No... I don't want... anything... not hungry..."

"Y/N..." Fitz whispered. "You have to eat something. You can't keep going like this."

"Try me." You glanced around. "Why are the alarm lights still going off?"

"Because those creatures let out Hive," Simmons answered.

"And Hive is....?"

"I forgot you haven't been here in awhile."

The base suddenly started shaking. The three of them glanced at each other.

"Daisy," Fitz-Simmons said.

"I know it's probably a bad idea, but..." Y/N started. "I could probably get through to Daisy.... I don't know what's going on. But... let me try."

"You're too weak," Simmons stated. "Bedrest. Fitz come on."

Y/N could see the team gathered at the entrance of the lab. They were discussing the situation. But Y/N knew, the longer they discussed the more time they wasted. So, she looked around the room. Seeing a shot of pain medication, she injected it into her IV. Taking a deep breath, she formed a portal into the cell Daisy should have been in. Y/N stumbled through it, falling onto her hands and knees. Observing the room, it was obvious that Daisy had hijacked the containment module and put it on the Zephyr. So that meant she was in the hanger. The door to the cell slide open as Y/N sat back against the bed.

"Y/N?" May questioned.

"Y/N!" Fitz exclaimed. "You're on bedrest."

"Daisy took the... module... into the... plane," Y/N panted, ignoring their worries.

"To stop Hive," May stated.

"You think she can do it?" Fitz asked.

"Get us some rope in case she can't."

"I'm going into the hanger," Y/N stated, pushing herself up to stand with the help of the bed.

"No," May quickly shot down. "You either stay here, laying on that bed, or you go back to the med bay. Your choice."

"I can't lose another, May." Tears formed in Y/N's eyes. "I can't." She opened a portal. "I'm sorry."

Y/N stumbled into the hanger, but didn't fall this time. Her ears quickly were filled with grunts and the sound of Wards voice. She looked over to see Daisy repeatedly stabbing what looked to be Ward.

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