hundred twenty-five

557 11 15

Y/N and Daisy gasped, both waking up on the floor of the Zephyr. Simmons was helping Daisy and Yo-Yo was with Y/N.

"Were you able to save Mack?" Yo-Yo asked, looking between Daisy and Y/N.

"I'm so sorry," Daisy replied. The Zephyr was shaking.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked, looking around.

"We're being shot out of the sky," Piper replied.

They helped Daisy and Y/N up and they stumbled to the front of the Zephyr.

"How many hits have we taken?" Daisy asked.

"Three," Piper answered.

"The Zephyr's like a tank," Agent Prince stated. "She's holding together."

"Yeah, but we had to pull the plug on everything except for flight control to keep the Framework running for you guys."

"So we can't fight back," Simmons stated.

"Or see where it's coming from," Daisy added.

"Yes, we can," Y/N said, causing them all o look at her. "I'm going to go onto the top of the Zephyr. If I get a look at the jet shooting at us, I can portal myself onto it. I can stop them from the inside."

"Y/N, that's too-"

"I'm doing it. It might be our best shot at the moment."

Then a portal opened and Y/N appeared on the roof of the Zephyr. She anchored herself onto the roof with her powers. She looked around, through the clouds, for the jet. Seeing it, she focused don't eh roof and opened a portal to it. On the other jet's roof, Y/N used her powers to blast a hole through the top and jumped inside. The man flying the jet shot the Zephyr again before turning to head straight for the Zephyr.

"Who are you?" He turned around. He was tall and buff with a Russian accent.

"I'm just here to kick your ass," Y/N replied.

With her hands glowing both red and purple, she pushed them towards each other to form a ball. Her hands were vibrating slightly with the amount of power coming from her.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"I'm Lady America."

Y/N aimed her hands at the man, pushing the ball of power to hit him straight in the chest. The man, who turned out to be a LMD, disintegrated into thin air. With the jet still aimed at the Zephyr, Y/N jumped back through the hole she created. Leaping backwards through an open portal, Y/N blasted the jet into pieces. She landed, hard, on the floor of the Zephyr.

"Y/N!" Simmons and Daisy exclaimed, rushing to her side.

"Are you okay?" Daisy asked.

"I'm fine," Y/N answered. "Looks like you got the power back on. Are we headed to the others?"

"Davis has the coordinates," Simmons replied. "We're on our way there."

"Good." Y/N nodded.

"Can we now talk about why you didn't save Mack?" Yo-Yo asked.

"It's not that simple," Daisy responded.

"Then explain it to me. What stopped you? He was right there with you, no?"

"Yes, but, Yo-Yo," Y/N began, "he didn't want to come."

"Oh, you only bring back the people that matter to you, not to me!"

"You know what? I've known Mack longer than you," Daisy argued. "And he mean as much to me-"

"You promised! You promised me!"

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