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The new Avengers Facility was finished the week of Tony's birthday. It was now the day before his birthday and Tony and Y/N decided to pay a visit to the new facility to say goodbye to Thor before they left to Tony's private island to celebrate his birthday. When they arrived, Thor had requested to talk to Y/N alone.

"I wished to talk to you before I left because I want to offer you the chance to come with me," Thor said. "I am planning on searching for the Infinity Stones and the only person that I would trust to help me with that is you."

"Oh, Thor," Y/N replied, surprised at his offer. "That is... I... honestly, if this were a month or two before, then I might have taken you up on the offer. But I can't, I'm sorry Thor. As much as I want to find the Stones, I need to keep living my life here."

"I understand. I will keep you informed if I find anything."

"Please do." Y/N hugged Thor. "You'll be missed around here, Thor."

"I'll miss you too, Lady Y/N." He pulled away to meet her eyes. "Do not let anyone do anything to hurt you, you got it? Especially the Captain and Stark. They both do love you, but they both can be blinded by their own thoughts."

Thor and Y/N met Steve and Tony in the hallway, leading to outside. It was almost time to say goodbye. The men were currently discussing the Vision's ability to wield Thor's hammer.

"The rules have changed," Steve stated.

"We're dealing with something new," Tony added.

"Well, the Vision's artificial intelligence."

"A machine."

"So it doesn't count."

"No. It's not like a person lifting the hammer."

"Right. Different rules for us."

"Nice guy, but artificial."

"Thank you."

"If he can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone," Thor said. "It's safe with the Vision and these days, safe is in short supply."

"But if you put the hammer in an elevator..." Steve continued.

"It would still go up," Tony added.

"Elevator's not worthy."

"I'm going to miss these little talks of ours," Thor chuckled as they exited the building.

"Well, not if you don't leave," Tony said.

"I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. That's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position-"

"Triple Yahtzee?"

"You think you can find out what's coming?" Steve wondered.

Thor made brief eye contact with Y/N. He knew she knew what was coming, he just didn't know it himself. "I do," Thor stated. "Besides this one," Thor patted Tony as he walked away, "there's nothing that can't be explained." Thor separated himself from the others. "I will be in contact," he promised Y/N.

"Stay safe, Thor," Y/N said. "Those Stones are not to be messed with."

Thor gave her a smile before lifting up his hammer and returning to Asgard, leaving a burnt patch of grass in his wake.

"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance," Tony stated. He turned, calling his car to them, and grabbing Y/N's hand. "I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss us. Miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears."

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