Caribbean Day 4

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Brian's p.o.v

"What do you mean you didn't tell her? That was the point of the date" Matt frowned, I groaned and rubbed my face in frustration.

"I know but I panicked and couldn't bring myself to tell her. I had a sudden flash of how badly she'd react if I told her"

"She won't react badly" Zacky sighed. "She feels the same way. You need to tell her"

"I fucking know I do but I can't" I snapped.

"We're not doing this to pester you Bri, we just want to make sure she doesn't see this as something that's not going anywhere" Jimmy said with a half smile. I shrugged and tipped my head back.

"She's gonna fucking leave me isn't she?" I groaned.

"I doubt that. Just calm down and go spend time with her, we're heading out to the beach in an hour or so" Zacky said. I nodded and stood up with a sigh.

"I'll see you later" I waved small and left Matt and Val's room to a couple doors down to Lex and I's. I knocked on the door quietly, when I left Lex was still asleep so I wasn't sure if she'd woken up. The door unlocked from the other side and Lex's short frame opened the door, rubbing an eye tiredly and looking at me with a small tired smile.

"When did you leave?" She asked quietly, opening the door a little wider for me to come in. I took hold of her hand and pulled her with me to the bed.

"Not too long ago, half hour maybe" I smiled, tugging her hand so she sat on the bed but also lay down.

"You woke me up" she mumbled, covering her eyes.

"Sorry baby, I forgot my key and I didn't want to wake you earlier. We're going to the beach soon, with the others"

"How long?" She whispered, squeezing my hand as she relaxed against the pillow. I chuckled quietly and lay behind her, hugging her waist to me tightly and kissing her shoulder lightly.

"'Bout an hour I think. What do you wanna do til then?" I asked, rubbing my thumb over her hip.

"Just lie here. Talk. Relax. Whatever, as long as I don't have to move or open my eyes" She said.

"We can do all that" I said against her. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"How amazing you are?" She giggled. I rolled my eyes at her as she continued. "To begin with, you're gorgeous. Like holy shit how on earth did you get this hot I'm not sure, you are so handsome. And then also, you are so fucking sweet. You're too good to me" She turned to face me and held a shy smile. I grinned at her and kissed her sweetly. I love kissing her. I'll never tire of it.

"Babe, I could never be too good to you" I whispered. "I'm always gonna treat you like a queen. Never wanna lose you to anyone or anything"

"You're not gonna lose me you dork. We talked about this remember, I'm not leaving you"

"And I'm not leaving you"

"Guess you're stuck with me"

"Oh no, what will I ever do having to be stuck with a multitalented, beautiful, funny, smart and amazing girl. Oh god help me" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at me and smiled, hitting my chest lightly.


"No, I wouldn't class being 'stuck with you' as a punishment to be honest baby"

"You're such a dork" She giggled, kissing my chin. "I have the pictures to prove it"

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