Goodbye Britain, Hello America!

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Alex's p.o.v

I finally took the last step off the plane and headed down the busy corridor of the airport to get my luggage. I re-adjusted my black laced carry on shoulder bag and pressed next on my phone to go to the next song, 'One' by Metallica started to play, ringing throughout my ears loudly not that I was complaining. I started to think about how great my new job would be, I mean it's so cool to get to work with instruments as I could play a lot of them but also the company work with some bands so you could get chosen to go on tour and be a roadie, another dream of mine.

As I kept thinking I managed to walk straight into someone, making them knock they're coffee pour straight down his T-shirt. 'What a great start'  I thought to myself and rushed over to help the dude. He was trying to brush it off even though it wouldn't work. I threw the coffee cup into the bin and started panicking.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and my music was loud so I didn't hear you" I rambled. He looked down at me not badly, he's just really tall and I'm really short so I couldn't blame him. He let out a soft chuckle and a grin.

"Hey, don't worry about it. The coffee didn't taste that great anyway" He shrugged. I laughed quietly. At least he didn't take it personally or anything. I looked up at the guy, he had piercing blue eyes and black hair that was a style I had never seen before, but it was awesome. he also had a labret piercing and from what I could see was a lot of tattoos, I had a few but he was loaded with them.

"Still, I'm really sorry. Can I at least buy you a new one or something otherwise I'd feel really guilty" I half smiled. He chuckled again.

"You really don't have to"

"But I really do! I get a guilty conscience very easily. Please!" I pleaded. He smiled and nodded.

"Aright then, if you insist" He grinned. "Did you wanna get your stuff first?" I nodded. We carried on in the direction I was already heading in and got my 3 suitcases. The guy insisted on taking at least one so I let him. We then walked to where I'm guessing is where he got the coffee I made him tip.

There was no line so we could order straight away.

"So what did you want?" I asked as I fumbled around in my bag looking for my purse, silently hoping I had put it in this bag. Luckily I did.

"Urm a hot chocolate is fine" He said with a smile. "Are you sure? You don't have to buy me one" I shook my head.

"Dude, I have to" I chuckled and ordered a hot chocolate for myself too.

They were made quite quickly. We both thanked the guy behind the counter and dragged my stuff to a table at the back of the room even thought it was practically empty. We sat opposite each other, he smiled.

"So, girl that spilled my hot chocolate. Whats your name if I may ask" He asked with a grin. I sipped at my drink and then answered.

"Alex, Alex Marie Baker but you can call me Lex if you want. How about yourself, guy that I tipped the hot chocolate over" I returned the question also with a grin.

"James, James Owen Sullivan but you can call me Jimmy" He grinned and paused with a thoughtful face. "You remind me of one of my friends" He stated. I shrugged not knowing how to reply.

Jimmy's p.o.v

Some girl walked into me knocking my drink into me, spilling everywhere on me but she was really embarrassed and apologetic so I let it go, not that id do anything anyway. I looked down at this small girl in a punkish wardrobe; black ripped skinnies, and some black tank top with loads of band names written all over the front with stripes on the back, she also wore a black leather jacket and a lot of eye liner which looked good around her eyes that looked quite familiar. Everything about her reminded me of someone if I'm honest, but I cant think who. She had a sort of blood red coloured hair which went down to her shoulder blades and a side fringe. Not to mention some of the tattoos she had and a black lip ring. She insisted that she replace the drink she'd spilled so I reluctantly agreed but helped with her suitcases even though it was only one.

Once we'd sat down and introduced ourselves I realised who it was that I recognized her from, Zacky. They looked quite similar, same last names. Even their eyes were similar, they were the same yet different. 'They must be related' I thought and blurted out that she looked like my friend, she looked both shocked and confused.

"Sorry. I don't suppose you know a Zack Baker?" She shrugged.

"I think I had a cousin called Zachary, I don't know to be honest. We were really young and our part of the family moved to the UK" She shrugged with a small smile. Ah so that's with the accent she had.

"Ah. Explains the accent" She giggled and nodded.

"Yea, its horrible I know" I shook my head.

"No its not. I love it" I grinned. She chuckled quietly.

"Well thank you Jimmy" She said.

"So what song were you listening to when walked into me?" I asked with a chuckle. She poked her tongue out playfully but answered.

"One, by Metallica" She grinned. Aw yeah, this girls got great taste.

"That's one of me and my friends' favourite bands"

"Same here, well its just me so their one of my favourite bands"

We stayed for another half hour talking about ourselves before she had to go to her new apartment. I did mention about the band, just not which band. We exchanged numbers so we could meet up again. I really wanted to introduce her to Zacky. They have to be related. I also sort of wanted to introduce her to Brian. He's been miserable for over a year now. His girlfriend of 3 years left him for one of his good friends from high school, also finding out she'd been cheating on him for a year with that guy. He was and still is broken from it. He got with Michelle, Matt's wife's' twin, they're good friends from school too so she really wanted to get him happy again, he was slightly better but still not completely. Michelle was trying hard for about a year but she broke it off with him, as far as I know Brian understood completely so now they're just friends again. I just had a feeling Alex would make him happy again, plus they'd be cute together I must say.

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