'Scuse Me, Haner

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Alex's p.o.v

I pulled up my grey denim shorts and buttoned them up and tied up my sandals. Val had asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with her and Riley as we were all free today. I of course said yes. Livvy was a bit put out as she had to work but we'll probably meet with her later.

I stayed at Brian's over night. Pinkly was laying on his bed next to me whereas Zax was back and fore up here and downstairs with Brian. I don't even know what Brian was up to, I was hoping he was making food but I couldn't hear any noise coming from downstairs.

I groaned as I couldn't tie up my bikini top. The string was behind my neck and I couldn't tie it properly. I stood up and held the two pieces of material together as I trotted downstairs to get Brian to tie it up for me, bringing a tshirt with me

I opened the door of the living room and instantly froze and cut my sentence short as there were two other men and Brian sat on the sofas staring at me. Oh shit.

"Hey Bri can I talk to you, out here please" I stuttered. He nodded with a chuckle and walked out after dismissing himself.

"What's up sweetie?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him making a smirk play on his lips.

"I was gonna ask for help with this" I said pulling at the two strings I was still holding together. "But now I need to raise another question.." I stated as he tied the bikini up for me.

"Like what, hunnybuns?" He asked amused.

"Uhm, 1) who are the two men in there who almost saw me shirtless and 2) what's with the pet names?" I asked, turning to face him.

"That's my dad and my brother" he shrugged making my eyes widen. "And I don't know, I like them"

"That's your dad and your brother!? Oh god. I'm so embarrassed. Brian, why didn't you warn me!?"

"I didn't know they were coming over today"

"You could have come up and told me!" I whined. He paused.


"Fuck sake Bri" I whined as I sat down to put my shoes and shirt on. "And you thought meeting my parents would be a disaster" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry baby. Come in and meet them" 

"I cant, Val's outside waiting" I said as I heard a car pull up. Saved by the Val. 

"Please" He whined.

"Bri, I cant. Ive got to go" i sighed.

"Fine. At least just say goodbye then" He sighed, holding both my hands and squeezing them lightly. I groaned and sighed when Brian pouted at me.

"Okay, only for you, you pain in the ass" I said, standing on my tip toes to kiss him sweetly. I felt him smile against me before we pulled away. We went back to the living room, I poked my head around the door to face his brother and dad. "Uh, it was nice to sort of meet you.. I'm gonna be off so I look forward to having a proper introduction" I said. "Bye" I said before Brian pecked my lips and cheek.

"Bye sweetie" He grinned making me chuckle. I walked out, making sure to have my phone as I left his house and walking to Val's car.

I jumped in and put on my seat belt. I sighed heavily and dropped my head back against my seat.

"I have never been so embaressed in my entire life" I groaned. Val raised an eye brow at me before driving away.

"How come? Oh wait, was that Brian's dad's car?"

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