Tattoos and Dominance

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Brian's p.o.v

I nuzzled my head over Lex's head, making sure not to wake her, carefully pressing a kiss to her forehead as she slept. I know I was being dickish yesterday to her by not talking, it was really stupid and childish of me. I especially didn't mean to make her have a panic attack or cry. I felt so guilty. As soon as she wakes up, I'm gonna make her extremely happy and loved. Then when we go out I'm treating her.

She squirmed slightly in my arms before her eyes flickered open, she looked around before looking up at me. I smiled, she returned one but not as wide as usual. I moved down so we were face to face and kissed her nose.

"You okay today, sweetie?" I whispered. She shrugged.

"I guess" She mumbled.

"I'm sorry for being an ass to you yesterday.. Fuck. I feel horrible for doing that to you" I confessed, hiding my face in the crook of her neck. She sighed quietly and kissed my head, playing with my hair with her fingertips, making me chuckle lightly. "Forgive me?"

"Didn't do anything wrong" she mumbled in a croaky voice.

"I did. Baby, I made you have a panic attack. That's fucking horrendous of me" I groaned.

"Wasn't really your fault"

"Then what was it?" I questioned looking up at her.

"There's a bunch of stuff. Once we get home I'll be fine, okay?" she half smiled.

"You sure? You can just tell me"

"Don't worry. It'll be fine by tomorrow" She smiled sweetly, kissing me softly. "Besides, I think we gotta start getting ready to go"

"Alright.. Don't suppose you thought of a tattoo?" I asked as she sat up from the bed, brushing down my t shirt that had risen slightly meaning I got a quick look at her ass.. Damn that sweet, sweet ass of hers..

"Uhm not really.. Haven't had much of a chance. Have you?" she asked, slipping out of my shirt with her back to me.

"Uh no.."

"Well I'm gonna shower so I'll think about it" she smiled before entering the bathroom, not before dropping her bra on the floor just as she shut the door. I groaned and sat up. She sure does make me crazy.

Alex's p.o.v

I wrapped the towel around me before leaving and walking into the room. Brian sat at the edge of the bed on his phone not noticing me. I wandered over to him, climbing over the bed and kneeling behind him, leaning my head on his shoulder and leaving small kisses along it. He sighed lightly and leaned his head back to face me.

"What're you doing, baby?" He chuckled, turning his head to face me, I didn't answer and just kissed his cheek, running my hands passed his sides and basically hugged him from behind. Knowing that we'd be a few hours with that dickhead just made me want to prove to Brian that I was only his. No one else. I loved him too much to lose him to that douche bag.. Oh wait, 'loved'? I love Brian? Well this kinda makes matters worse, to an extent. If things go wrong it'll hurt more.. Fuck it. I don't care. I love this dork and he's mine and only mine. I'll kick a bitch if I have to. Hands off my man. "Lex? You okay? You're muttering to yourself" He chuckled, turning to lay down on his back and pulling me down so I lay on his chest.

"I'm fine. Just wound myself up, that's all" I grinned childishly at him.

"Wound yourself up about what?" He asked with a raised eye brow. I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips.

"Just thinking about if I ever had to beat a girl who tried to take you from me" I said, slowly irritating myself. 'Any girl touches him, I'll kill'. I broke out of my thoughts when Brian had crashed his lips onto mine, kissing me with a lot of passion.

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