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Alex's p.o.v

"So guys, why are you giving me and Brian a farewell party? I mean it's really nice of you guys but we'll only be gone for like 5 days tops.." I asked curiously as I sipped my wine. The others planned a farewell party at Matt's house, the night before Brian and I leave for England. Val shrugged, the other girls copying her gesture.

"No idea why. Zacky just came up with it.." Kayley replied. I gasped mockingly.

"That whore. Didnt know he wanted me out of the country that much!" I giggled. Riley gasped and leaped on me, pushing me down on the sofa.

"No, we love you! Please come back to us!" Riley yelled.

"Uh, Riles. I'm not frickin' dead!" I laughed, trying not to spill my wine all over her. Jimmy and Brian wandered into the living room and looked at us with raised eyebrows and in Brian's case, a faint smirk. "Riley!"

"What?!" She laughed, still holding me down by the torso.

"You're tickling me" I giggled trying to move away. Riley nodded and sat up from me, giving me room to move and place my wine glass down on the table next to us. "Bri, or Jimmy, which ever. Where is that cousin of mine?"

"Backyard" They both replied. I nodded and hopped up from my seat using Riley's as something to keep my balance. 

"I'll be right back" I said before picking up my wine glass and leaving to go find Zacky. I wandered out through the kitchen out to the dark backyard, finding Matt, Johnny and Zacky out drinking beers on lawn chairs. "Hey Zack, I would like to ask you something" I said, standing infront of the three of them. He nodded, confusion written all over his face and stoof up, following me away from the other two.

"What's up, Lex?" He asked, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Just wondering why you threw me and Brian this 'farewell' party.." I asked, with my hands behind my back. I knew me and Brian going away wasnt the reason for this party, I want to know what is.

"Oh.. Uh.. Just thought it was a big step for you and Brian and thought it needed to be celebrated" He said, clearly lying.

"Zack a big step would be if we were getting married or something.. not meeting the parents so tell me the real reason"

"That is!" He defended.

"Dont lie to me Zachary" I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Would I ever lie to you Lexy?" He grinned.


"I would never!" He scoffed making me roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "I wouldnt!"

"Lexy, can you come here please" Brian asked charmingly from the backdoor. I sighed and gave Zacky a glance.

"I will find out" I said before leaving him to go to Brian. He took my hand and pulled me into the house before stopping in the kitchen. I raised an eye brow. "What?"

"Well I hadnt seen you all night and I missed seeing your beautiful face" He grinned making me blush lightly and turn away from him. "Hey, look at me" He said but I ignored him and carried facing a different direction. He placed a finger under my chin, forcing me to face him again. "You're cute when you blush, dont look away" he pouted.

"No, I dont like blushing especially infront of someone, or you" I mumbled. He chuckled and leaned down pecking my lips a few times muttering 'But. You're. Adorable. When. You. Blush' between each kiss. "You are too cute"

"Only for you, babe" He said with a smirk making me giggle and kiss his cheek.

"I'm glad it's only for me" I said poking his nose. "This isn't the wine talking, but you're looking very good tonight" I grinned, looking him up and down. He wore his black jeans and black shirt that is unbuttoned from the top and his hair was spiked up as usual. He smirked in reply and looked me up also.

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