Meeting the Parents

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Alex's p.o.v

Brian and I checked into our hotel room and headed to our room. As soon as we walked in, I instantly collapsed on the bed closing my eyes.

"Babe, are you that tired?" Brian chuckled, laying next to me and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer into him. "You know how I could wake you up a little more.." Brian started, suggestively. I rolled onto my side to look at him with a chuckle.

"Really? Sex?"

"Well, not sex per say.." He said with raised brows. "One person does the work and it only involves their mouth" I bit my lip thinking about it. I guess we have some time to have a little fun. "What do you say?" He whispered, nipping at my ear. I hummed lightly and then nodded.

"I suppose so.." I smirked before he pressed his lips to mine roughly. I moaned and pulled him closer to me. I gripped his hair as he tugged on my jeans, pulling them down. Brian kissed along my jaw, down my neck and pulled my shirt off. He continued to kiss down my chest and torso to the top of my underwear, lightly leaving kisses along the waistline. "Cmon Bri, I'll definitely fall asleep at this rate" I giggled as he growled against my hips. He muttered a 'We'll see' and pulled my underwear down with his index finger and kissed down lightly making me moan.

"Fuck Bri, I think I'm more tired" I groaned as he moved back up to face me. He chuckled and nudged my cheek with his nose.

"I did my best" He said, rubbing my hip with his thumb.

"I know" I laughed kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna shower. You should probably sort out your clothes" I said heading to the bathroom.

"Or I could just join you" I heard him say as I shut the door.

"Stop being a horny teenager and just get ready" I said before jumping into the empty, clean shower. "Fuck" I muttered. "Brian!" I called.

"Yeah?" He replied. "Forget the shampoos and stuff?" 

"Yeah, can you bring them here?" I asked with a sigh, knowing he would try and join me in the shower.

"Sure" A couple minutes later he came in with the stuff, including towels and my phone. "I expect you'd want music on?" He chuckled, messing with my phone and soon All Nightmare Long came on.

"Ah, a great song to listen to whilst showering" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes but still smiled.

"Alright, I'll be out there if you need anything else" He grinned before leaving. Oh, he didn't try. That's new.

Brian's p.o.v

I sat back on the bed, switching the tv on by the remote and laying back. Some cop program came on, I couldnt be bothered to change the channel so I continued to watch. Well not even watch, I couldn't focus on it, all I had in mind was how nervous I was and I was more into listening to Lex's music from the bathroom. Not necessarily nervous because I was meeting Lex's parents, just the sudden realization of how strongly I felt for her. I don't even know if I want to tell her. She may not feel the same and leave me. I'm going so over the board with this. I'm gonna call Jimmy. I picked up my phone and dialed his number, it rang a few times before he picked up.

'Hey Syn. Met the parents yet?'

'No, not yet. I need to ask you something'

'Oh alright, uhm go ahead..'

'Alright, so uh.. Right, this morning I woke up feeling extremely needing toward Lex, like I really wanted her and just cant get enough of her'

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