Personal A7X Perfomance

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Brian's p.o.v

I sat up quickly and raised an eye brow at the banging that was coming downstairs and had woken me up. I looked to my right to see Lex wasn't there. I sighed and got out of bed, pulling my hoodie on before I left to go downstairs and followed the sound to the studio.

I opened the door for the drumming to get louder. Lex was sat behind the kit and playing a heavy rock beat. She looked up and grinned at me, not stopping but speeding up. I couldn't help but stand there with wide eyes, she was amazing. When she hit the cymbals for the last time she kept her hands down in her lap as she smirked at me, clearly seeing that she had amazed me.

"What's with the wide eyes Bri?" She smirked, wiggling slightly on the stool.

"I- but- wow you're amazing" I stuttered. She chuckled and spun the stick between her fingers.. "Jimmy needs to hear you play"

"Call him over"

"Will do" I said before turning to leave. "I'll be back soon"

Alex's p.o.v

I watched brian run up the stairs before I started to play anything that came to mind. It involved a lot of double bass drum, a lot of fast snare and some play on the toms. Thank god I had that stupid cast taken off.

It was 20 minutes after Brian had left that he returned with the rest of the band which made me chuckle.

"Are you showing me off to your band, Haner?"

"Hell yeah I am" he grinned.

"Cmon Lex, play something" Johnny grinned.

"What do you want me to play?" I asked, to no one in particular.

"One of ours!" Jimmy grinned excitedly.

"Which one of yours?" I chuckled.

"Oh Beast and the Harlot?" Zacky grinned. I nodded and picked up my phone, putting the headphones over my head and got the song up on my phone. This was just to help me keep the beat steady and to not be going too fast or slow. When I clicked play, I started straight away. I loved playing this song.

When I finished I locked my phone and took the headphones off. I looked at the band in front of me who stood there with wide eyes and all jaws had dropped. I chuckled and sat waiting.

"So.. What did you guys think?" I smirked.

"You are amazing, holy shit!" Jimmy grinned, running over to hug me. I laughed and patted his head.

"How's it feel knowing I'm nearly as good as you?"

"You're better than me"

"Nah I'm not"

"You are Lex, holy shit you're amazing" He grinned. "Now, play something else.. Ooh you should all play"

"Great idea" Matt chuckled. Brian and Zacky picked up their guitars, Johnny got a red Fender bass and Matt turned the PA system on so the mic would be on. They tested it all out, tuned up their guitars before they were ready. "What shall we play?"

"Natural Born Killer?" I suggested. I loved the drums on it, I enjoy the entire thing.

"Yeah sure" They all agreed. Jimmy stood next to me as we played and applauded when we finished.

"Brian you still need to play me something, you didnt yesterday, you were too busy dragging me back out of here" I stated. He nodded and walked over to me, taking hold of my hand to pull me over to the chair at the desk. I sat down in front of him on the chair. "So what're you gonna play for me?"

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