You're Perfect

475 16 2

Brian's p.o.v

I groaned loudly and rubbed my face in annoyance. I know I sounded like a dick but I still mean everything I say; I dont want her walking alone late at night. There are creeps who would hurt her and if anyone hurts my Lex, there'll be no stopping me from hunting them down. I took a deep breath to try and calm down, and stood up. I'm sure she'll be fine. She will. I groaned again and picked up my phone to call Zacky.


'Hey, can you give Lex a ride home please? I dont want her walking this late at night'

'Why cant you?'

'Because I'm planning on making up to her when she gets back'

'Make up to her for what?'

'I was being dick about her walking but still, please give her a ride home'

'She's already called me and asked so I was going to anyway'

'Oh.. Alright, never mind. Thanks anyway'

'Did you want help with whatever you're doing to make it up to her?'

'Uhm, yeah please'

Alex's p.o.v

I waved goodbye to Hayley as I left the shop. Zacky was parked right outside. I climbed in and put on my seat belt.

"Thank you for giving me a lift home" I smiled.

"It's alright. Brian was worried to hell about you walking home at this time, and I agree. There are fuckheads who would do nasty stuff to you and none of us want that alright, so please don't risk it Lex"

"I know, I know. I'm not that stupid. I was going to get a ride home anyway but Brian pissed me off so much that I just stormed out. I don't like being told what I can or cant do Zack"

"Does anyone?" He replied. "Especially me. I cant stand people who tell me what to do but still"

"I know, but I just wanted to make a point"

"It's fine. Brian is still at yours, just to warn you" He chuckled as we pulled up outside my apartment building.  "I shall see you later, chicken" He grinned.

"Since when have you ever called me chicken?" I laughed.

"Since now, now shut up and get to your boyfriend"

"Thank you Zacky" I smiled as I got out.

I waved at him as he pulled away before going into the building. I walked up the steps slowly, taking my time to get home as Brian would undoubtedly be pissed at me. I was a little nervous but I was still annoyed and also hungry.

I got to my door and opened it slowly as it was obviously unlocked. I stepped in to see the lights off and everywhere in the living room had little candles lit up. There was a table set up in the middle of the room with two chairs set up opposite and two long thin candles in the centre of the table. There was soft music playing quietly in the background. I raised an eye brow and hid the grin that tried to form on my face. 

Just a minute later, Brian came out of the kitchen and smiled softly at me. He stepped over to me slowly and held my hands.

"What's all this, Bri?" I asked, with a small giggle. 

"I wanted to make things up to you, make sure you weren't still mad" He shrugged. "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too, I just don't like being told what I can and cant do, it feels like someone else is in charge of me"

"Well still, I apologize so I hope you take this date as my apology" He smiled. I smiled back and nodded. He pulled me slowly to the table and sat me down, pushing my chair in for me.

"So what will we be eating?" I asked curiously, noting the scent coming from the kitchen.

"Well as it was late, I couldn't really get much so I had to use whatever you had in your fridge" He chuckled before leaving to the kitchen. Not long after, he returned with two plates and put one down in front of me and one where he'd be sitting. I laughed at what was in front of me; noodles and chicken nuggets.

"Oh my god" I chuckled. "Thank you for trying Bri" I giggled.

"You're welcome" He smiled. "Now dig in to your 4.75 star meal"


"Yeah, I don't know how long to cook chicken nuggets for so they're a little burnt on the underside" He chuckled. I shrugged and took a bite anyway. They weren't too bad.

"They taste good" I reassured.

"Thank you" He said, trying to hide his proud smile. "So how was work?"

"It was alright. It was only me, Hayley and Sam but Sam left early. We got some new guitars which I get to work on tomorrow. I cant wait!" I squealed.

"Tell me. What cant you do?" He chuckled but kept an interested expression on his face. "You can fix cars, make me feel amazing and glad to have you, work on guitars apparently" He said, making me blush. I turned my head away to hide it. "Stop hiding when you blush, I love it" He whined, pulling my hands away from my face. My heart almost stopped when he said 'love' but his expression was unreadable. I couldn't tell if he regretted saying it or meant to say it.

"I told you, I don't like blushing" I mumbled. He sighed and got up, stepping over next to me and kneeled down, placing his hands on my leg.

"I love it when you blush" He said. "I love nothing more than complimenting my girl. I like telling her how amazing she is, or how beautiful she is, the way she speaks or moves always catches my attention. The way she can hold herself up with no shame and is so badass, it puts me to shame. The way she loves everyone around her and puts them before herself, especially me and I really appreciate it. I really appreciate you and love everything you do and everything you have done" He said in almost a whisper. I couldn't stop myself. I had to pull him up and kiss him with everything I had. I kissed him hard and kept my eyes shut, stopping any tears that threatened to leave. I didn't think I could love him any more than I already did but apparently I can.

"You are going to be the death of me, Brian" I whispered, leaning my forehead on his and rubbing my thumbs over his jaw. He grinned at me.

"Did I mention how I love it when she says my name?" He whispered, pressing his lips to mine softly. 

"You didn't" I mumbled.

"Well I do. So don't stop" 

"Wasn't going to" I giggled, kissing his nose. He smiled and pulled me up onto my feet in front of him. I tilted my head in confusion.

"C'mere" He said, pulling me to my bedroom. 

We got in and my room was also dark but my cupboards had candles lit on them and my bed was neat and covered in rose petals. I so badly wanted to tackle him and tell him how much I love him but I didn't. He turned to me with a cheesy but shy smile. It was hard to tell in this light but it looked like he was blushing!

"You wanna..?" He asked, trailing his sentence at the end. I raised my eye brow and held back my smirk. I wanted to hear him say it. "You know.."

"If you don't ask, you don't get" I giggled, kissing his jaw lightly. He groaned and muttered a 'I want to make love to you'. I swear my heart skipped a beat. I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding and nodded. He leaned down to my height and kissed me sweetly, pulling me to the bed. 

He lay on top of me, kissing me slowly and running his hands up my sides. Nothing was rushed. He took his time with everything. He slowly pulled our clothes off, kissing me whenever he could and murmuring things like 'you're so perfect' and 'how'd I even get you? You're too good for me'.

The entire night was filled with moaning and Brian being extremely adorable. We took it slow and didn't let go of each other at all.

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