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Alex's p.o.v

"A ring"

"W-what?" I breathed out, feeling my breath catch in my throat. He wasn't doing what I think he was, was he? Oh god. Please no.

"I wanna buy you a ring" He smiled. Fuck fuck fuck. Was he proposing? What do I say? I'm not ready for this. "What's wrong?"

"I can't" I said between my short breaths. This fucking anxiety wasn't helping. "Please don't"

"Don't what?" He asked confused, shifting in a panic. "Baby you're gonna have a panic attack. Deep breaths" He went through my breathing with me but I still felt panicked. After a few minutes of him holding me close and rubbing patterns on my back with his thumb, I finally moved away and looked up at him nervously. "You okay?" I shrugged. "What happened baby?"

"What- Why- What's the ring for?" I asked, quietly stammering over my words. He looked at me curiously but then looked shocked.

"This wasn't a proposal. I was just gonna get you a nice gift. It doesn't have to be a ring, it can be a necklace or earrings if you want" He offered. I nodded and sat back in his lap, wrapping my arms around his torso. "I'm sorry if I scared you before"

"It's okay" I whispered, nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my head.

"I love you Lex"

"I love you too"

We walked through the town, holding hands, and we'd walked into a lot of jewellery stores checking out stuff but nothing really stood out to me. I sighed in frustration as we walked into another store. Brian must have sensed my frustration and wrapped an arm around my waist, rubbing my side softly and kissing my temple.

"Take your time" He whispered. I leaned up and kissed him sweetly. I walked around looking at all the shiny, beautiful jewels on the rings. I scrunched up my nose and walked away from the rings. It felt too much like a proposal if I picked a ring. "What about this?" Brian said coming up behind me, one hand placed on my hip as he pointed at a silver necklace with a heart shaped pendant. I shook my head.

"That's not really me" I replied, chuckling at the end softly. Brian chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Okay, I'll look for something dangerous but beautiful" He whispered turning me to face him.

"So mercury then?" I giggled. He smirked and leaned closer, kissing my nose.

"Don't be such a smart ass"

"Jealous?" I smirked. He scrunched his nose at me making me laugh.

"Shush and go find something you want" He smiled, kissing me quickly before leaving to wander around. I sighed and looked at everything around me. Everything was really pretty but nothing I could see myself wearing.

It took another 25 minutes of looking around before Brian came over and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, kissing behind my ear.

"Did you find anything?" He asked tiredly. Lucky for him I'd just found something that caught my eye. I nodded and looked closer. It was a silver chained necklace with a little red ruby pendant. It wasn't anything spectacular but I liked it. "The red one?"


"We'll get that one then" He said, kissing my cheek before leaving to get one of the staff in the shop.

"I love this Brian. Thank you" I smiled playing with the necklace between my fingers. We were driving home now and I was so tired.

"You're welcome baby" He smiled back.

"Brian, I wanna stay at my place tonight" I stated quietly. He looked over at me with a sad look on his face but he nodded.

"Sure thing" He mumbled. I'm a terrible person. I frowned and leaned back on the seat as we drove in silence. I reached over and held his hand, like he always does to me.

"I love you"

"Love you too" He said, a small smile on his lips.

Soon we pulled up at my apartment building. I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned up just as he leaned down causing us to kiss but hard. We both laughed quietly but neither of us pulled away.

"Glad we had the same idea" He chuckled against me, holding my hands softly. I pulled away and pecked his lips before moving to get out. "Gnight beautiful. I love you"

"Night handsome. I love you too. Bye" I waved and shut the door. He grinned and waved. As I opened the door and turned to wave as Brian pulled away.

I finally got home and was greeted by a jumping german shepherd. I chuckled and fussed his head. I walked in further and sat on the sofa, Zax jumping up with me. I reached up and messed with the necklace between my fingers, tapping the pendant. It was gorgeous. God, I loved it. God, I loved that man.

I reached over for the remote and turned the tv on, setting the volume to a low volume and snuggling up with Zax. I wasn't quite sure what movie it was though. I yawned and rubbed my eyes and stayed on the sofa. I was probably going to fall asleep on here. It wasn't as if I had anything really planned tomorrow.

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