Oops, Sorry We're Late

616 14 0

Alex's p.o.v

I woke up to be shaken awake lightly. I groaned and rolled away from Brian. I heard him chuckle and had him wrap his arms around me.

“Sweetie, wake up. I want to go out” He murmured in my ear but I ignored him. “Cmon Lexy”

“What time is it?” I asked, mumbling into the pillow.

“Uh, 9am”

“Fuck off, I'm not getting up at 9am”

“We'll see about that” He said. I felt shuffling and then arms under me, lifting me up. I kept my eyes closed and sighed.

“Brian put me down”

“Nope. Not until you wake up” He said, opening a door. I opened my eyes to see I was under the shower, Brian had his hand on the control and turned it to cold. I gasped and glared at him.

“You wouldnt”

“Are you gonna get up?”

“No” He shrugged and put me down on the shower floor before turning the control. I was hit by ice cold water causing me to scream. "Fuck! Brian! Turn it off! Jesus fucking-!"

"Alright alright!" He chuckled turning the shower off. I sat shivering on the shower floor, drenched in Brian's tshirt. I looked up and glared at him. He frowned and seemed to panic. He dropped down to my height. "Baby, oh fuck I'm sorry" He crawled over to me on his hands and knees and kissed me, pushing my back against the wall. I cant say my heart didnt melt from this. "Sorry" He mumbled against my lips. I moaned and shrugged, pulling him closer and holding on to his shoulders. He pulled away and mumbled a "You're cold"

"No shit. You just turned the freezing cold shower on me so yeah I am freezing" I hissed. He chuckled and pressed his lips back to mine, holding me close this time with one arm. Next thing I know the water was back on me, and him, but less cold, a more comfortable cold. I giggled against him and pulled away. "What are you doing?"

"We're kissing in the rain" He chuckled.

"We're in Britain, we can go outside and do that" I laughed.

"Shut up and kiss me in the shower rain" 

"Alright it's 1:10, get ready cause we're gonna walk to my parents" I said, sitting up from Brian's embrace.

"Ugh, walk? Why cant we take a cab?" Brian groaned and sat up next to me.

"It's only a 20 minute walk from here, Bri" I said. He grunted in reply. "Yeah, I'm the lazy one" I said just before my phone started to ring from aross the room. I stood up and trotted toward it, quick to answer it.




'Hell yeah it is! You back in England yet?'

'Yeah, we got here yesterday'

'Oh yeah, you're with your boyfriend right?'

'Yeah. Met my parents yesterday'

'Oh did that go well?'

'Yeah it did. Back at the hotel went well too'

'Ohh, get in there..'

'That's what I said'

'For gods sake Lex'

'That was a good pun, shut up'

'Keep telling yourself that babes!'

'I will'

A Nightmare Gone Right (Syn Gates ff)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon