Mini Party At Matt's

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Alex's p.o.v

I sat around strumming a guitar at work. This is literally the best job, I can play an instrument if I have nothing to do. Sam and Dan were both helping a guy and his daughter pick out her first guitar, while Hayley was stacking CDs so I had to wait for a new customer.

A few minutes later, Hayley came over and sat at the stool next to me. I spun to face her and stopped playing. She smiled at me.

"So, a guy came here yesterday, asking about you" She started. She must be on about when Brian came to get me.

"Ah, yeah. He's a friend of mine. He ended up over my apartment yesterday and gave me this" I said and showed her the necklace that was still around my neck.

"Wow, that's beautiful. So he's a friend of yours?" She asked with a small smirk. I shrugged with a small smirk.

"Yeah, a good friend"

"He seemed quite worried when you weren't here, we thought he was your boyfriend" I giggled at that.

"He's not, although I wouldn't complain"

"Oo, someone have a crush?" I shrugged.

"Maybee" I laughed. Dan wandered over to us and faced me.

"Synyster Gates was here yesterday asking for you.. How do you know Synyster Gates?" He asked confused. I laughed.

"When I first came here, at the airport, I accidentally spilled coffee over The Rev but he was nice about it so I offered to buy him a new one. We talked and got along so he said I should meet his friends and I did. I met Brian through him and we hit it off and also Zacky Vee is my 'long lost' cousin. So yeah, that's how I know him" I explained. He had the perfect 'O' face. I laughed at his reaction when he yelled to Sam

"Oh Sam! Alex is Zacky Vengeance's cousin!" 

"What?!" He ran over to us. "Is that why Syn was here?"

"Yeah, he stayed at mine in the end to make me happy apparently" I chuckled.

"What, are you guys dating or..?" I shook my head.

"Nah, just friends. He did get me a matching necklace" I said and showed them the necklace.

"Cutie?" Dan asked.

"My nickname he came up with"

"So, you aren't dating but he bought you a designed matching necklace, calls you Cutie and comes looking for you if he cant get hold of you. Talking for every man, I'm pretty sure he likes you" Sam said. I blushed and tried to hide it by putting my head in my hands but they already saw. "Do you like him?" I shrugged with a small smile.

"Awh! You both like each other, you should get together and shit"

"I don't know.. I don't know for certain about him liking me" I said.

"But he stays at your place?" I nodded.

"Most of the time he does, or I go to his or we all just hang out at Shads' place"

"Did you guys have a little sleepover?" Dan asked smirking. I blushed again. I need to stop that.

"Maybe.. more than once" I smirked back.

"Did you make him stay on the sofa?" Hayley asked.

"Nope, I'm not cruel. He stayed in my bed.. or me in his"

"So you have slept together? Without sex?" I nodded. "Awe, you guys do like each other"

"Awee, Mrs Alex Haner. That sounds cute" Sam chuckled.

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