Meeting The Other Parents

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Alex's p.o.v

Today was the day I had to meet Brian's parents and I was so nervous I had a mind blowing headache coming on.

"Wish me luck guys!" I said as I left the shop with Hayley and Dan. 

"You'll be fine, Lex!" Hayley said hugging me.

"You will. You're great, don't worry" Dan said, pulling me into his side.

"Okay thanks you guys, Brian's parked over there so I've gotta get going" I said and waved. "See you both tomorrow"

"Have fun" Hayley said from across the road as I got into Brian's car.

"Hey sweetie" Brian smiled, kissing me sweetly. "Ready to go?"

"My place first so I can get ready" I said. I rested my head back and groaned quietly. I opened an eye to look at my hand as something surrounded it. I saw that Brian had shifted so his hand was on mine, holding it comfortably.

"It's gonna be okay, Lex. They will love you, I promise"

"They might not. They might hate me" I whined.

"They wont! If they can deal with Matt, Zacky, Jimmy and Johnny, I'm sure they can deal with you who isn't as bad as them" He said.


"I do. I promise" He said. I looked at him uneasy. "Have I ever broken a promise I made with you?"


"Exactly. And I'm not gonna start"

I dressed in a grey and black checkered effect layered dress with black lace going across the front. It stops just above my knee. I wore black tights and black knee high boots with it and pulled my leather jacket on over it.  My hair was loosely curled and I attempted a smokey eye effect, and it actually came out quite well, and added a dark red lipstick.

Once I was finally happy with my appearance I left my bedroom and entered the living room where Brian sat watching the tv.

"Bri, do I look okay?" I asked, standing behind him, near the doorway. He turned his body to face me and his eyes widened. I don't know whether that was a good or bad thing.

"Wow, you look-.. just wow" He gawked making me blush. "You just get prettier everyday don't you?"

"Says you" I muttered.

"You're damn right I do. You look gorgeous!" He said with a wide grin, getting up to hold my waist. "Fuck, I'm so lucky to have you!" He whispered, kissing me slowly. 

"Bri, you're gonna mess up my lipstick!" I giggled, pulling away.

"That's okay, sweetie" He smirked. "You'll still look beautiful, don't worry"

"You're adorable, cmon we need to go" I said, pulling him by the hand to the door, picking up my bag on the way out and still with a blush on my face.

"So where are we meeting your parents?" I asked as we drove though the city.

"At their place" He replied. "We'll be there in about 5 minutes"

"Shit" I whispered taking a deep breath. Brian squeezed my hand encouragingly and gave me a small smile.

"You'll be fine"

We pulled up at an average sized house, it had a short wall surrounding it. We got out of the car and Brian came over to my side, holding my hands in his and kissing them both.

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