Bad Timing

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"Lex?" I called from her front door. I'd knocked but there was no answer. I walked in and heard laughter coming from her bathroom. "Lex"

"Sup?" She replied as I walked in. Her, Val and Riley were in there and they were dying Lex's hair. I leaned against the door frame and raised an eye brow. "Decided to dye my hair again woops"

"What colour?"

"You'll have to see" she grinned. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Got any food I can steal while you do that?"

"You know where your stash is, check there. I haven't had a chance to go through it myself yet"

"I'll be right back" I grinned. I headed to her room and walked to her dresser. The second draw under some shirts was my 'secret' stash. It was secret til she caught me taking food out of it. Now I stock it and she eats from it. I opened the drawer and searched through it, finding only a candy bar. That'll do.

"Got anything?" a voice asked from behind me, obviously being Lex. I turned around and nodded.

"Yeah this. Want some?"


She took the half I handed out to her and then took my hand, pulling me to her and leaning up to kiss me softly. I smiled against her and squeezed her hand that was still holding mine.

"You look hot" She mumbled. "And if the girls weren't here and i wasn't in the middle of dying my hair I'd be sat on your face"

"I have no idea what has gotten into you but I'll make sure its me later" I mumbled getting a moan in reply. She bit on my bottom lip and traced her tongue over it.

"Lex where'd you- oh" Riley said, stopping when she saw us. We pulled away and looked over at her. "Val I found them. They were getting it on again" She laughed. Lex flipped her off and turned back to me, kissing me again but quicker.

"I'm so riding your face later" She whispered before leaving with Riley back to the restroom. Wow.

Alex's p.o.v

"Are you trying to turn Brian on?" Val chuckled as I walked back in.

"I missed him"

"So say I miss you, don't suck his dick"

"I will if I want to. Besides that's not what I said I was gonna do" I chuckled.

"Oh god Im not gonna ask" She laughed. "Right cmon, lets get the dye out so bend over the-"

"Hey that's my job!" Brian called, cutting Val off and walking into the bathroom.

"You sure big boy?" I smirked, bent over the bathtub.

"It'll happen one day"

"I'm sure it will" I chuckled sarcastically. He narrowed his eyes before turning and leaving to wherever he came from.

"You two are non stop I swear to god" Val laughed.

"I think you might be a bit of a sex addict" Riley added, turning on the shower head.

"Only for him I swear"

"That was cute in a very unclassy way"

"I'm a classy whore so I have been told and not by Brian" I grinned. "I'm just his whore"

"oh my god"

"Brian sorry, we're about to get your girlfriend wet without you" Riley shouted and there was a lot of banging before he came speeding into the bathroom.

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