Massages From Syn

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Brian's p.o.v

I'm a bit annoyed that Jimmy called when I was gonna kiss Alex but maybe it was for the best that we didn't. I rolled out of bed and stretched. It was around 8, I'm tired as hell but I told Alex I'll take her to work today. Besides I could always when I come home just go back to bed.

I opened the closet and pulled out some jeans and a T-shirt then getting changed. I wont bother with my hair if I'm just gonna go back to bed so I just put on my black beanie. 

After running around the house doing stuff that needed to be done, I left to go over to Alex's. She only live like 5-10 minutes away. There wasn't too much traffic today so I got there quite quick. I pulled up at her apartment building and climbed out of the car. I entered the building and walked up the single flight of stairs as an attempt to wake me up. I knocked the door and waited less than a minute before Alex popped her head out of the doorway with a grin when she saw me.

"Hey Flippy" She smiled a contagious smile.

"Sup Cutie. You ready to go?" She nodded.

"Yupp" She said and left the doorway, locking the door behind her.

We raced each other to my car, me winning obviously. She pouted at me, it made me want to lean in and actually kiss her this time. To my luck, someone will call or something will happen so I ignored the thought that stuck in my mind far too often.

"There we are" I said as I pulled up outside a guitar shop that I go in sometimes. She turned to face me with a smile.

"Thank you Brian" She said and leaned over to kiss my cheek. I used all my might to not kiss her back. "I'll talk to you later"

"Yea, see ya Alex. Have fun without me"

"I doubt I will" She smirked and closed the door after her. 

I pulled away from the curb as soon as she walked in through the doors. Well, I'm pretty much awake, still tired but I might as well go visit the guys. I drove to Matt's, which is where we usually meet up. I know at least Jimmy would be here with Matt, I'm not too sure about Zacky and Johnny. I turned the ignition off and left the car.

I knocked on the door a couple times, then waited with my hands in my pockets. Matt opened the door without a shirt, as normal and let me come in. Jimmy was here like I said, he sat on the sofa with Zacky and Val. I sat next to Matt on the sofa and glanced at Jimmy who was staring at me. I raised an eye brow.

"So how was your night?" Jimmy asked, the others waited for my answer.

"What happened last night?" Val asked curiously with a grin. "Was he with a girl?" Jimmy nodded.

"Yea, that girl I told you about. They had a movie night apparently" He chuckled. They all stared at me.

"What? I hung out with someone other than you guys. Is that so shocking?" I asked.

"No, it's just you haven't actually talked to a girl in so long, so you actually hanging out is strange" Zacky shrugged.

"Really?" I asked. I didn't really notice. I just never wanted to be with anyone. They nodded.

"You didn't answer my question" Jimmy smiled.

"Um, it was fun. I helped her finish unpacking, we ate some Chinese food, watched movies all night and took her to work this morning"

"Oo, so you spent the night?" Val asked happily.

"No!" I defended. "No, I went home just after Jimmy called. Nothing happened with us"  

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