Caribbean Day 5; Last Day

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Alex's p.o.v

All of us sat at the breakfast table eating. We'd be leaving in a few hours so we thought we'd spend the last day on the beach considering I fell asleep yesterday. I was so tired, I was aching from what I guess is tackling three grown men whilst on another man's shoulders.

I was sat talking to the girls whilst the guys were talking amongst each other. We'd got back onto the topic of Kayley and Zacky's wedding. We were all so excited for it.

"We've nearly got everything done and sorted now. The dresses will be at ours next week so we can have a 'final fitting' before the wedding and get things fixed ready if need be" Kayley grinned. Zacky leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"Its gonna be fucking great!" He grinned.

"Fuck yeah it will be!" I grinned back and high fived him.

"Could you imagine Lex meeting the queen!? Trying not to swear and act fancy, using cutlery and drinking tea" Livvy grinned.

"I didn't like anything that just came out of your mouth" I said with a chuckle.

"You are so bad at being British!" Riley giggled.

"Oops?" I chuckled.

"Lex?" I heard Brian call. I turned to face him with a raised eye brow. "Babe, are you just eating a tomato?"

"Yes?" I replied in a questioning tone. He chuckled.

"A whole tomato?"


"Okay let me try this; why are you eating a whole plain tomato?"

"Because they taste good? Have you never noticed me do it before?"


"We've been going out for ages and you haven't noticed the constant stock of tomatoes in my fridge, or even in your fridge?"

"Not really no. I never really pay attention"

"Well when we get home have a look. I've had conversations with you whilst eating an entire tomato!" I gasped.

"I wanna say I don't notice what your mouth's doing but.." He trailed off with a smirk making me roll my eyes but chuckle and nudge his knee with mine.

"Still can't believe you've never noticed"

"Sorry sweetie, I just never noticed" he smiled, kissing my jaw lightly. The others just laughed at our conversation.

"Well now you've noticed my entire plate of tomatoes" I grinned, pecking his lips a few times before continuing to eat my breakfast.

"What a dork" he mumbled.

"I am not a whale dick" I gasped.

"Aw babe you are" he smirked.

"Well if you insist I have a bigger cock than you then fine, no wonder I top you so often" I smirked back getting 'oohh's off the guys and Brian's narrowed eyes on me. "Sorry princess, you said it not me" I winked.

"Fuck sake" he grumbled.

"Now, now, that's not the language my pretty princess should use is it?" I said, rubbing my thumb over his cheek as he pouted. "Aw babe, a frown never looks good on you. Turn that frown upside down"


"Yeah sweetie pie?" I replied, batting my eye lashes at him and trying to hold back a laugh, the others didn't try at all.

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