Come over?

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A short filler chapter :))


Zacky's p.o.v

Jimmy and I sat in my house, for a change, and just talked about whatever came to mind, so literally anything. There was a knock on the door then it opened to reveal a nervous looking Brian? He also seemed to glare at Jimmy. I frowned at him and raised an eye brow questioningly at him.

"I hate you right now, Jimmy" He grumbled and face planted the sofa I was on.

"Why? What did i do?" Jimmy asked confused. Brian grumbled something into the sofa which I couldn't make out, neither could Jimmy. "What?" Brian lifted his head up and sighed.

"Me and Lex nearly kissed.. again, but you called.. again" Wait what? They nearly kissed? Again? This happened before?

"Ah shit, sorry. I'm gonna stop calling you" Jimmy said. "How did it happen?"

"Yeah. And how was I not informed about the first time it happened? I thought I was your favourite Brian" I mockingly scoffed.

"Bitch please, I'm his favourite" Jimmy chuckled. Brian sat up and chuckled.

"I didn't tell you cause I didn't want anyone to know. And we were on my bed-"

"As we all usually are" I chuckled. Brian glared making me laugh. "Sorry continue, you were on or in bed?"

"Fuck off Zack, we were on my bed" He glared. "And, I said she looked good in my clothes, cause she was wearing my clothes because she was staying over and she had nothing else to wear. Then she said something about me looking better in them or without them so I ended up pushing her down and held her hands above her head and was pretty much on top of her, then we were about to kiss but dickhead over there decided to call" He said quickly, covering his face with his hands.

"And why did you decide to kiss her?" Jimmy asked with a small grin.

"I don't know, maybe it was in the moment or I-" He mumbled the end.

"Or what?" I asked.

"I may have a small crush on her.." He said a bit louder.

"Awee!" Jimmy and I practically squealed. We jumped up off my sofas and jumped around my living room like little teenage girls, laughing our heads off as we did so.

"Fuck off you two" He groaned.

"But you two are adorable!" Jimmy yelled. I nodded in agreement.

 "Shut up, you're not helping me out here" He groaned.

"Not every girl is gonna leave you Bri" I nudged him. He flipped me off and continued to cover his face.

"I don't care, how do you know? She might. Besides the feelings aren't the same"

"Was she leaning into the kiss too?" Jimmy asked.

"Well yeah"

"There we go, she feels the same, now ask her out"

Alex's p.o.v

"Thanks for today you guys" I smiled at Val and Zacky's girlfriend, Kayley. I climbed out of Matt's truck that Val was driving and shut the door behind me. I waved goodbye, they did the same as I walked up to my apartment building.

I unlocked my door, closing it after me and threw my 5 shopping bags onto one of the sofas. As I walked to the kitchen, I tied my hair up into a scruffy ponytail and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter. I walked back to my living room and sat on the floor next to the heap of bags taking up my sofa. I started to go through the bags to see what I had all together when there was a knock at my door which was followed by it opening, Jimmy's head appeared. I smiled when he walked in with Zacky on his heel. They closed the door after them and walked over to me, sitting either side of me.

"Hey guys" I smiled and checked out on of the many black tops I bought.

"Hey Lex, you went shopping I see" Jimmy said. I nodded.

"Very observant Jimmy" I giggled. "And yea, I went with Val and Kayley" I said and nudged Zacky.

"So you had fun?" I nodded.

"Yupp. I assume you two saw Brian today?" I asked, curious as to how he's been while I was gone all day.

"Yupp" Zacky said with a big smirk. "We were just with him but he left to go back home"

"Ah. I'm gonna text him then cause I'm pretty sure I forgot to earlier" I said and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I unlocked and pressed the Flippy<3 contact.


Hey Flipster, how's it going?:) x*

I sent it and carried on talking to these two weirdos. Not too long after I sent the message, my phone was going off saying I had a text.


Hey Lexster, it's going good. How was your day, my lovely x*


Very good. I went shopping with Val and Kayley today after work. I bought some cool stuff AND I bought you something ;) x*

"So then Lexy" Jimmy started. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Hanging out with you guys of course. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages"

"Awe been missing us?"

"Yuss. And I miss Matt and Johnny" I giggled and unlocked my phone to read Brian's recent text.


Aw, you didn't have to. But what is it?x :')*


You'll have to wait and see my little cutie pie ;')*

I locked my phone and put it down next to me.

"Not that I don't want you here or anything but why are you here?"

"Just came to see you" Zacky shrugged. "Well we need to go actually but I'll come pick you up tomorrow at around 12?" He said as they both began to stand up.

"Yea that's okay. I'll see you tomorrow then" I waved them goodbye. Again, I picked up my phone, unlocked it and checked the text.


Hey! You're the cutie! Besides I want to know what it is! x*


I'm hanging out with you guys tomorrow so I'll give you it then. Chill yo beans cx*


Meanie xc Kidding. Love you really! ;) x*


I'd hope so silly! ;) x*


You're supposed to reply with how much you love mee but I see how it is then. :') x*


Awe I sowwy Brian! I love you and your adorable little smirk! xx*


That's better. So what's up? x*


Looking at all the stuff I bought while sitting on the floor xD Jimmy and Zacky just left. What about you? x*


Awe nothing. Just hanging out on the sofa. Its lonely without you here x*


Everywhere is lonely without me there c; Come over? x*


Alright then. Can't say no to you, can I? xx*


No, not really. Come on and get your butt over here! x*


Okay. On my way x*

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