The bus

667 15 4

TW:transphobia,homophobia and bullying

It was a Friday meaning no practice and shirabu didn't have to walk home 'thank god I hate walking' he thought to himself as he walked into the school bus sitting down in his assigned seat putting in his headphone and, like any normal person who's sick of the world would do, listening to music volume all the way up.

He knew whoever was in a 7 feet radius would here it he didn't care so he just looked out of the window,but it was way to loud on the bus for anyone to hear the music he played.

Someone sat next to him and he didn't pay any mind just held his book bag a bit closer to him

The person said his name once or twice shirabu didn't hear tho because of the music the new person leaned their head near Shirabus ear to get a good listen to what he was listening to and Shirabu finally turned his head and so did the other person.

Face to face Shirabu was kind of stunned and semi was blushing 'SEMI?! And tendō on the other side of the bus just looking at us-' Shirabu realized and semi pulled his face back and then Shirabu blushed a little.

He still haven't pulled out his earpuds and suddenly semi just takes them out and chuckles "You're gonna get hearing loss if you keep listening to music full blast"

Shirabu snatched his headphones back and said "shut up ! Why are you even on the bus?"
Tendō chimes in "to annoy you of course boo boo" shirabu just put his head phones to a lower volume and continued playing music and drowning out people, for the most part.

Once they where at shirabus stop he said bye but semi also said bye to tendō as little did the two know they live in the same neighborhood semi was walking his usual route the same a shirabus and shirabu says "now where do you live because it looks like we have the same walking route or something"
Semi just tilts his head then makes an o with his mouth "oh yeahhh!  I live next to you !"
"The fuck-"
Semi just laughs
"I saw you practicing outside" he grinned very widely
"Whatever-" shirabu says as he sighs and it goes silent as soon as he realizes that semi had taken a different turn he gets shoved. "Hey homo!! Where's your boyfriend who's been walking with you !" The bully laughs and Shirabu simply said "good question... I guess he's not my boyfriend is that all or do you have a couple more douchy things to say before you go and home and have you mom make you a sandwich?"

Now why would Shirabu say this to a bully? Probably because said bulky was a 7th grader whos a tall as him and Shirabu wanted him to go away before anything could happen "my momma dead" he grumbled and attempted to kicked Shirabu in the shin, who instead swiftly swung his leg back, then around to the kids side.

"You little f****" he shouted dropping his bag and Shirabu sighed "look kid I don't know how the hell you know my sexuality but obviously you don't know I'm in my second year of highschool and i play volleyball, I also certainly don't want to be seen as the guy who fights middle schoolers. But given that warning im done to fight you if you still want to try." Shirabu smirked and the kid only brought up his fists.

Shirabu dropped his bag, took off his blazer and loosened his tie a bit. Semi was standing a large distance away but small enough to hear the whole conversation, under other circumstances he would intervene but he wanted to see how Shirabu would handle himself of course he would stop this fight if shit go intense though.

(Get ready for a super dope fight seen guys.)

The middle school charged towards Shirabu throwing a punch aimed from Shirabus face, but he dodged quickly grabbing the kids wrist with his left hand then his forearm with his right and sense the kid was still moving forward Shirabu flipped his over with ease but before he hit the ground.

Shirabu pulled him back up by the wrist realizing his right hand to wrap around the kids stomach and looped the kids arm around his own neck laying Shirabus elbow on the kids shoulder, quickly he let the kids go who ran to his stuff and then away. Shirabu scoffed and picked up his things continuing his walk home.

Semi did a little jog to catch up with Shirabu and said "you really know how to handle yourself with bullies Eh?" Shirabu jumped a little from his unexpected presence but smiled a little "yeah I guess" they where in a silence a little bit before semi asked "how did you learn those moves though?"


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