Small ansgt

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"So Shirabu what where you like when you where younger?" Semi asked Shirabu while they where studying and Shirabu cringed.

"When I was younger I was such an annoying clingy people pleaser." Shirabu said writing something down on his paper and semi raised his eyebrow and leaned back onto his chair.

"Did you maybe have a reason for doing that?" Shirabu widened his eyes a memory flashing.

"Why must you be SO clingy kenjiro!" Shirabus mother shouted at him. Shirabu then yelled back "I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU!" Shirabu was never the same that day.

Shirabu calmed himself and told semi "yeah but I don't like talking about it." Then put the paper he was working on away. Semi hummed in response.

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