The letter

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What the fuck is this? I don't know lol

Semi opened his front door exiting his house closing the door behind him and locking so he can be on his way to school.

Hey saw a letter addressed to him on the door the cover of the letter said "semi eitas letter from a nobody." In cursive

Semi already started growing because the person who wrote it is already calling themself a nobody. Semi started walking and opened the letter immediately looking at the bottom to see the name 'Shirabu eh? wait he considers himself a nobody? What the fuck?' Semi thought and went back to the top starting to read it

"Dear semi-San.

I fucking hate you, but on the other hand I really don't. It doesn't matter how I feel though, it never has unfortunately. I'm sorry for asking this threw a letter but could you please let taichi know that he should focus on his self more?

Semi-San I write this to you, as a thanks, as a friend, and as someone you may just never see again because honestly im just gonna face the facts. You are graduating, you know what you genuinely what to do, And you also are good at it.

I know this might be annoying for you to read but stay open minded unlike me. I'm happy that you tried to welcome me as long as you did which was just my first year, still counts though seeing as I'm an asshole.

Ok I'm procrastinating from what I actually need to say. god damn semi you've made everything so hard for me, but it's not your fault whatsoever it's mine honestly. Damn though I have to say unrequited love is a pain in my emotional ass.

But yet again it's nothing you need to worry about. I'm disappearing for good now, unless someone finds me. I will probably continue to try my best to write to you though my letter will probably end up under your doormat.

Ok ok I'm done procrastinating I actually fell in love with you hard to believe right? Not even me myself can believe it.

I am very embarrassed by writing that right now I can't believe I doing this right now and I'm very confident in the fact you do not love me back nor even like me platonically so bye until the next letter, under your doormat

Signed Shirabu kenjiro"

It only took semi 3 minutes to read but he read it over and over and over again until he ended up at school in the volleyball gym a tear dropping on the piece of paper when he entered the changing room.

'Am i the real reason Shirabu wants to disappear. Was I so harsh towards him that he couldn't bare because he.. loves me?' Semi thought and ended up at his locker.

"Semisemi?" Tendō said concerned as to why semi was crying with a paper in his hand. Semi wiped his eyes once Tendō snapped him out of it. "Yeah Tendō?" Semi asked playing it off.

"Why where you crying?" Tendō asked one eyebrow raised

"It's uh nothing not really, do you know where taichi is?"semi asked

"In the gym sitting down he said he was worried about Shirabu so he's down in the dumps right now but get changed practice will start soon." Tendō said walking away worried still stained his face.

Semi got changed and jogged to taichi.

"Taichi Shirabu gave me a letter and he wrote 'tell taichi to focus more on himself' I don't know why but I'm quite worried about Shirabu aswell" semi said and taichi snapped his head up at him.

"Oh." That's all taichi said before the coach called for them.

"Everyone Shirabu quit the team so semi you will be are starter again." Coach said expected to see semi light up but instead semi but his lip.

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