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Hello in this au mix d friend groups and Shirabu and semi don't like now eachother also like college au aswell.
Btw.. If you comment, I do read 😏

Shirabu posted on private story about this guy he saw from across the street and how he somehow found his instagram because he saw his name tag and Oikawa sent it to a gc.

Tooru sent Shirabus story!

Tooru : Shirabu seek help.

Kenjiro: omfg

Taichi: I keep telling him to get a new therapist.

Keiji: yeah im concerned.

Kenjiro: it was by completely coincidence that I saw his name tag, AND I only looked it up on insta cause I felt I recognized it !

Tooru: k so what was his name again?

Kenjiro: semi eita you Bitch hes like a lead guitarist/singer in a band.

Tooru: ooooh

Kozume: I've heard of him his band is good, indie rock.

Kenjiro: i might actually try listening to some of their music

Keiji: so did you catch where he works?

Kenjiro: uh yeah he works at an.. ice cream parlor-

Kozume: oh-

Tooru: damn lmfao

Kenjiro: taichi

Taichi: what.

Kenjiro: remeber that one time we where forced to go on a date together cause tendo was so sure we liked eachother when we didn't?

Taichi: yes I do what about it?

Kenjiro: we are gonna go to the ice cream place we went to on our date

Taichi: is semi like your hallway crush or something?


Keiji: taichis right this is lowkey what that sounds like.

Kozume: how are you down this bad already kenjiro?


Kenjiro is offline.

Tooru: lol

The next day-

"Shirabu are you ready yet?!!" Taichi asked from the bottom of the stairs and Shirabu yelled back. "Yeah yeah fuck off!"

Shirabu walked down stairs, he was actually craving ice cream now.

"Let's go.." Shirabu said putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys.

Taichi walked out of the door after Shirabu and they went to the car taichi driving of course.

They walked into the ice cream parlor , Shirabu just sat down waiting for taichi to order for him sense he has very bad social anxiety when it comes to pretty much everything.

Taichi came back with to two little bowls of ice cream and Shirabu said "thanks." And took little bites of his ice cream.

"Honestly not as satisfying as the first time we where here." Taichi said "yeah " Shirabu agreed shrugging it off.

A man with silver hair entered the store and walked behind the counter he looked around the store to look at the customers

'Not busy today, nice.' He thought before his eyes landed on a copper hair who was talking to a guy with an ugly side part.

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