Shirabus cats

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Cats again I KNOW SHUSH
Tw: mention of p!lls

Shirabu was going back into his room where all of his friends where after he got water. Well his cat started to rub up on his leg meowing and doing all that.

"Why hello little Bitch." Shirabu said looking down at the cat waiting for him to go away so he could enter his room.

Shirabus cat responded with a long meow and Shirabu rolled his eyes sitting down petting his attention, apparently, starved kitty.

After a minute or so Shirabu stood up to open his door but his cat put his nose up to the door.

"Seriously?" He asked and the cat meowed. His brother was walking down the hallway forward Shirabu. "Why is mitzuki meowing so much?" He asked and Shirabu rolled his eyes "it's not mitzuki dumbo, and he's tryna get into my room." Shirabu pointed out what obviously happening.

"Just let him in then?" He said well more likely asked "oh fuck off." Shirabu said picking up the cat and putting him down on the small couch on the other side of the room.

Shirabu walked away then all of a sudden his cat was back at his door his brother laughed and Shirabu groaned Shirabu picked up the cat again and walked into his room and said "who was to give this cat some attention and make sure he dosent go around pissing on shit?" Shirabu asked and Tendō raised his hand.

"Anyone else..?" Shirabu again asked and Tendō pouted "hey!! Why not me!" Shirabu rolled his eyes "you have the attention span of a squirrel." Shirabu said and Tendō gasped acting shocked.

"Here ya go semi-san" Shirabu said tossing the cat lightly into semis lap. "I never agreed to that." Semi said blushing as he pet the little pussy cat on his lap. Taichi from across the room sneezed then Shirabu threw a bottle of allergy pills at him.

"Thanks Bitch" taichi grumbled as he struggled to open the container of pills. The cat on eitas lap started needing into semis thigh. "Ouch ouch" semi said as the cat dig its nails into him, luckily though he had black jeans on so it wasn't as bad.

-time skip-

The four where now in the kitchen. Semi and Tendō where talking quietly at the table about something and taichi was trying to cook something real quick for them all and Shirabu was on the kitchen counter next to the stove that taichi was cooking on and on his phone.

'Now what the fuck are Tendō and semi talking about?' Shirabu thought to himself texting his mother who wasn't home asking what they where doing, Shirabu got off the counter and started to record a video to send to his mom.

He showed taichi trying his hand at cooking and semi and Tendō dealing cards and now saying "let's play a game!!" Shirabu stopped recording and said "what game?" Hitting send on the video to his mom.

"10s and 2s" Tendō said and then realized "but I guess it's gonna be a tournament." Tendō said then put down the rest of the cards on the table starting his game with semi.

Shirabu sat down next to semi watching over the boys shoulder as he played the game with Tendō. Unbeknownst to Shirabu semis face was all red and he was unable to think about the game just throwing down cards, somehow he won.

"Alright me and taichis turn" Shirabu said collecting the cards from the previous game and Tendō proudly said "I'll shuffle if you want." And Shirabu got the cards situated in one stack and started shuffling himself then split the deck with one hand then dealt the card quickly and won quickly.

Semi vs Shirabu.

Shirabu won of course cause semi wanted him to win and was too focus on how Shirabu was grinning so perfectly after making him pick up 2/3 of the deck.

-time skip- Shirabu and semi where in the kitchen, Shirabu of course on the counter and semi was on his phone texting Tendō at the kitchen table. Semi quickly groaned then stood up and walked over to Shirabu.

"Shirabu." Semi put his hands on the counter both on each side of Shirabu, eyes level with Shirabus semi looked to the side furiously blushing and said. I-uh can you give me a hug.

Shirabu cocked and eyebrow grinning then hopped down semis hand were still on the counter bring Shirabu and semi where chest to chest. Shirabu wrapped his arms around semis torso and semi slouched and little bit and brought his hand to Shirabus back slowly.

Shirabu unraveled his arms waiting for semi to do the same but Shirabu was swept off his feet as picked him up by his Shirabu almost fell backwards due to gravity but hooker his arms around semis neck quickly and securely. Shirabu was a blushing mess as he looked away from semi and said "Uhm are you going to put me down?"

"No" semi whispered in Shirabu ear and started giggling and Shirabu was unamused and licked the side of semis face.

"Ew you're weird Shirabu." Semi said carrying him over to couch throwing him it.

Shirabu turned his head to Tendō and taichi "hey." He said as the two  stared at him "hey?" They both said.

Shitty ending am I right heh heh (you're supposed to agree)

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