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Yo wsp this book got 1k reads but like I deleted two one shots so not anymore hahahaha 🤘😹 pain
Semi and Shirabu in semis dorm watching a show they can't even name because they where basically either talking are sleeping in each others arms.

Shirabu got up and went into the kitchen leaving a pouting semi. "kenjiroooooo" semi pouted and Shirabu could basically hear the pout threw the wall separating the two.

"eita hold you horses I'm just getting water..while I'm out here you want anything?" Semi thinks and smirks."nope all good here i guess." Shirabu came back with a glass of water setting it down on semis bedside table and sat back down with semi on said boys bed.

"Babe actually I do need something ." Semi said.

"Really eita?" Shirabu deadpanned.

"Yesss I need a kiss pleaseeeee" semi said.

Shirabu stood up and walked out , semi groaned. Shirabu came back in a short amout of time and semi looked and him pouted then Shirabu chucked a kiss a semi (a chocolate one).

Semi caught it due to his very fast reflexes " seriously kenjiro?" Semi said looking at him desperately looking for a 'no'.

Shirabu snorted and shook his head no walking up to the bed. Semi piped up smiling. Shirabu leaned down seamingly kissing semi on the lips but Instead on the forehead the climbing back onto the bed.

"You a tease." Semi huffed rolling his eyes.

"That's the point" Shirabu stuck his younger out at semi.

Semi flicked Shirabu tongue.

"BRUH WHAT THE FUCK EITA."kenjiro yells cover his mouth but a faint flush tainting his cheeks.

"Whattt?" Semi made a silly face.

"I don't know where you mother fucking hands been" Shirabu cringed just thinking about it.

Semi muttered something under his breath.

"You know what I'm not going to ask what you said"

"Wise kenjiro." Semi smirked.

Shirabu pulled the covers to his chin and closed his eyes settling down he was tired. Tired of dealing with semis antic, and because it was 2 in the morning.

"Kenjiro are you going to sleep." Semi whined

"Yes it's two in the morning I'm exhausted."

Semi looked down to Shirabu and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight kenjiro."

Shirabu smiled opening one of his eyes.

He tackled semi into a hug and relaxed on top of semis chest. Semi rubbed Shirabus back settling into his bed ready for sleep.

Tendō walked into semis room and grabbed semis remote turning off the tv. Of course tendo takes a picture of the two finally with his ringer off and walked out of the room.

       Literal madness???

Shitting red🤘: [1 image attached]

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