State testing part 4 🗣

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It's morning
Tendō wakes up in his uniform ready to go to school, he has already packed his school bag the night before.

After Tendō is ready
He find semis halfway threw his wall already with Shirabu
"Hellooooo" "good morning Tendō-Senpai" says Shirabu
"Shirabu I have a question Shirabu hummed in response
"Who you rather be born with one leg-" "man shut the fuck up " Shirabu said quickly interrupting him.

Semi snickered "so rude buuu :((" the red head says hurt .
"Boo hoo" Shirabu couldn't care less. " oh come on kenji be nicer to your senpais" semi swings his arm over Shirabu.

"Why does it feel like y'all are about to ask me for lunch money" Shirabu laughs
" do we look like your average school Bully's are something??" Tendō asks. Shirabu goes quiet a hand over his mouth to stop him from laughing and continues walking to school.

"I just realized I gotta take the second state test wth" Shirabu groans. Semi also beings to bitch and moan " so do we".

———after test cause I'm lame as hell—-their in that room

Shirabus sleeping as usual,ushijimas reading, semi and Tendō are throwing food into each others mouths. Shirabu wakes up and yawns stretching his arms out quietly, before he notices the third years and practically jumped.

Semi almost laughed, he was in the middle of catching an m&m from Tendō. And choked on it in the process causing Shirabu to scoff.

Semi gave him a look that said 'tf you laughing at?' Nobody knows why he gets to standoffish for no known reason. Shirabu sends a look back that says 'your ridiculously small Dick' semi and Shirabu laughed it off. Leaving Tendō and ushijima in the midst of confusion.

And this point they moved seats at the table. Originally Shirabu had his back to the book case, ushijima on the far right, and Tendō and semi in front of the copper top. But semi decided he wanted a get away from Tendō and sat next to shirabu, he definitely didn't mind at all. Tendō being petty dragged the farmer joe captain to his side.

Shirabu water to go back to sleep but he was violently shaking from this dealthy cold class room, and of course he had left his jacket in his backpack. So he just sat in his seat squeezing the only warmth he wanted, and could get. His squish mellow, it was an owl and medium in size but stills makes for a nice pillow.

Shirabu was lowkey pissy because everyone fucking remembered how cold this place is and brought a blanket or comfy ass coats. Shirabu hates himself at this moment. ' i really should've taken my adhd medication this is so fucking aggravating and a waste of time' Shirabu thought to himself.

"Brr" Shirabu whispers sarcasm even tho he's quite literally shaking. Senseb Tendō was asleep on ushijimas lap and that certain guy happens to know how to kind his business, semi calls over Shirabu and pulls the two chairs together and another one.

" what thefuck are you doing" Shirabu said cringing
"Well I noticed you shivering anddd-" semi pulls a thick, small blacket that could fortunately fit two people "- a Blanket to share :))"

" ok " Shirabu said with slight blush. Semi to Shirabu by the waste and layers them on the chairs next to eachother. They almost immediately melt into eachother and Shirabu Clutch's onto semi for warmth and maybe more but whatever.

' wow we are so close rn' they both thought ' I could literally fall asleep rn. '
' Ima wait for kenji to fall asleep so I can snap a pic for my own safe keeping.' Semi planned

Not soon later Shirabu had wondered to dream world and semi had got what he was wanting and rested his head right next to Shirabus.

-30 minutes pass- semi wakes up to find Shirabus arms all the way around him and his head next to semis chest. Semi was going to combust because of how cute Shirabu is.(same ong). Semi thought to himself 'I'm just going to enjoy this and go back to sleep. And maybe hold onto Shirabu like my life depends on it cause it might'

-40 minutes later- Shirabu wakes up to semi spooning him and breathing soft on his neck.
Shirabu turned to his other side just to be face to face with a sleeping semi and decides' I should sleep to. Heh-'

11:38 / 20 Minutes later.

Semi wakes up to Shirabus hot breath right against his cheeck they were like really really close at this point, but semi just decided to stay awake and hold onto Shirabu as long as he could.

' silly little crush on Shirabu , don't hurt nobody.' Semi thought 'his checks as literally so soft in going to die..' semi just took this moment to take in Shirabus beautiful face. Before doing something his cat used to do to show affection and that humams do to but cats are better.

And put his forehead and the coppers just to a point where they are barely touching but it's cute I guess. Semi almost wanted to fall asleep before Shirabu grabbed his hand gently and held it to his chest. Semis heat melted, almost like they are already a couple.... ✌️ duces y'all till next time

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