Redying roots.

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Shirabu not semi knew how they got here but they where sitting in the bathroom of Tendō satoris house hold.

"Let's get too dying!" Tendō yelled bringing out 3 boxes of hair dye.

"I really wish I could right now." Shirabu said messing with his bangs looking at Tendō in the mirror.

"No no you don't. Anyways semi your are In desperate need of resting your roots and I want brighter red! And Shirabu is here to help us." Tendō told them the plan and Shirabu looked at him concern written all over.

"What's the third box for.." Shirabu said gulping. And Tendō grinned a nasty grin. "You'll see~"

Shirabu stood up shoving Tendō down in the seat "give me the box of hair dye for your head." Shirabu said and just took it out of Tendōs hand before he could give it to Shirabu.

"O my lord is this- your hair is gonna look like shit buy it is not my problem because it is not my hair." Shirabu chuckled and Tendō huffed handing Shirabu semis too.

"Hmmm this is not the same color on semis head. Then again not my problem." Shirabu shrugged it off and semi quickly turned to Tendō.

"ITS NOT?" Semi asked Tendō who snickered and Shirabu interrupted him. "I'll make it work don't worry by the way if you didn't know ima have to bleach your roots first." Shirabu looked and semis head and semi nodded.

Shirabu started drenching Tendōs head in bright red hair dye. Shirabu didn't really care how he was doing with Tendōs hair until he went to make sure all the hair was being dyed. Shirabu finished Tendōs head of hair in 40 minutes taking off the red plastic gloves putting on another pair of clear gloves that would soon be a shade of sliver.

Shirabu started to bleach semis roots not leaving it in for too long so he wouldn't damage the roots.

"Alright semi go wash it out." Shirabu said strictly and semi did as he was told underneath the tub fossit thingy. Unfortunately he slipped in and Tendō and Shirabu where laughing at him.

Semi dried himself off then they did another round of bleach as semi had dark hair naturally.

Shirabu then finally put in the silver blond again the roots dye quickly and shirabu didn't want to be responsible for killing semis hair.

"Alright it's been 20 minutes and like 40 maybe for Tendō so both of you go wash your hair." Shirabu said sternly then looked back in the mirror. 'Damn my bangs are getting long.' Shirabu grabbed a pair of scissors making Tendō and semi look to him and Shirabu just chopped away at his bangs almost purposely making them uneven.

"So you don't cut them with a ruler!" Semi said I'm excitement.

"Oh just finish washing your roots and Tendō what the fuck are you doing?" Shirabu said walking over and slapping Tendōs hands away washing his hair for him not realizing he still had the gloves on which means his hands didn't get died with red but blonde got mixed into the red which stuck and Shirabu couldn't explain it to save his life.

Tendō and semi got out and Shirabu handed semi a grey towel and Tendō a red one throwing away the gloves. Tendō again was being stupid just having the towel lie down on his head while he joked around. Shirabu snatched it from Tendōs head and aggressively dried Tendōs hair for him.

"Jesus Tendō you aren't a child" Shirabu shouted at him and Tendō replied back like a smartass " and you are my hairstylist."

Shirabu sat down Tendō in a chair drying his hair with a blow drier once it was dry and surprisingly soft Tendō looked at it in aw "oh wow Shirabu my hair looks so good and the sliver tints??" Tendō said admiring Shirabu work.

"Silver tints?" Shirabu looked up from trying his hand at semis hair he gawked "oops" he said snickering continuing semis hair.

-18 minutes time skip-

"Damn I did a good job." Shirabu said very proud of himself at the job he did.

"Anyways Shirabu we should try dying your hair." Shirabu looked at Tendō like he was insane. "For one you know I'm not doing my full head of- actually you know what it depends was color you got for me." Shirabu grinned he was quite excited he just hoped it won't turn out shitty.

"We got dununununun blackkkkk" Tendō sung in suspense and Shirabu was pleasantly surprised by this choice.

Shirabu put the black dye in small bowel grabbing out a small brush. Shirabu then parted 2 sections from his each side of his bangs putting the rest up in a pony tail.

"Ooo I see what your doinggg." Tendō said and semi looked over.

"That's gonna be tough to pull off if you can't transition the black into blonde smoothly enough~" semi teased and Shirabu just took the black to his bangs "well can't go back fuck it." Shirabu mumbled trying his best to transition it smoothly which would be hard.

-1 hour later-

Shirabu washed it out and it came out just like he wanted. "Fuck yeah! I am so happy that didn't come out shitty." Shirabu sighed in relief and semi took a look at them and asked "are you planning on keeping the look." And Shirabu shook his head "I'll grow it out and chop it off."

"I think it looks amazing shiraboo I can't wait till the team sees~" Tendō sings then realized "when was the last time you changed your hair?" Tendō asked Shirabu and Shirabu had to think for a minute "sense I cut my bangs which was before middle school." Shirabu chuckled.

"Damn Shirabu I'm glad we got you to get this change!" Semi said smiling hands on his waist. "Yeah I guess." Shirabu dead panned then yawned "anyways I'm off to bed" Shirabu said falling on Tendōs couch.

"Your going to bed on Tendōs couch?" Semi asked and Shirabu nodded yes semi sat behind Shirabu so he could put his legs on Shirabu who in return turned onto his back. "Nice legs" Shirabu snickered and semi took his legs off Shirabu instantly. Shirabu laughed at his reaction more Tendō jumped onto the coach making Shirabu basically fly off.

"OH NO SHIRABOO" Tendō screamed crawling to the edge of the couch "I'm fucking fine Tendō." Shirabu said despite getting the wind knocked out of him.

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