Pinapple plus more

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Almost 2 thousand reads and 100 hundred votes!! Keep em comin 😏

Shirabu was in the kitchen cutting up the some pineapple when he heard the front door unlock from the outside. Shirabu groaned before putting the pineapple into a container after chopping it up.

The front door opened them closed then locked and Shirabu looked at who was at the entrance to his house and it was non-other then semi eita.

Shirabu smiled and went back to slicing pineapple into thick pieces. Semi walked into the kitchen and looked over to see what Shirabu was doing. "Oooh cutting up some pineapple I see?" Semi said slipping his arms around Shirabu.

"No, I'm baking teeth." Shirabu said rolling his eyes despite the smile on his face.

"What the fuck-" semi said interrupted by Shirabu "here have some." Shirabu shoved a piece of pineapple into semis mouth annoyance evident in Shirabus voice.

Semi gulped down the pineapple with a big smile on his face. "Delicious~" he sung and Shirabu cringed then finisher cutting up his pineapple.

Shirabu took a piece to eat then put the rest in the fridge. "You are quite right." Shirabu sighed in content.

Semi picked up Shirabu bridle style carrying him up to his room so they can watch a movie together.

Shirabu fell alseep in semis warm embrace and semi fell asleep holding something of a human teddy bear.

Shirabu woke up in a cold sweat squeezing semi so much he awoke when Shirabu jolted, Shirabu stared sobbing into semis chest, Shirabu had a nightmare.

Semi fluttered his eyes open to see the sight of a sobbing mess. Semi took Shirabus face his hands "hey, hey, baby what's wrong?" Semi asked in panic Shirabu looked up to semis face and gritted his teeth.

Shirabu wrapped his arms around semis neck Shirabu cried into semis chest holding him tight with no plans of letting go. "Shhh it's ok now.." semis whispered and Shirabu sniffled calming himself down.

Shirabu sat up and semi did aswell not long shira. Shirabu wiping his eyes said "I had a dream that you died because I couldn't save you." Shirabu said taking his hands away from his face. Semis eyes softened and then said "you're the damsel id be the one to save you".

Shirabu smiled and look at semi who had the goofyest grin on his face. Shirabu sighed and flopped onto semis chest a just cried a little more before planting a soft kiss on semis lips.

Semi put his hands on kenjiros tiny waist depending the kiss Shirabu only intended to be for a second. Semi broke the kiss and connected their foreheads.

"I will always be by your side as long as the universe allows it" semi said comfortingly. Shirabu could only smile at that he knows it's not true but it's the thought that counts.

"Fucking bastard." Shirabu said picking semi in the side cause laughter to erupt from eita.

"You ticklish~~" Shirabu teased tickling semi even more and he just get giving Shirabu that sweet laugh of his, and Shirabu couldn't be more happy.

"O-Ok!! Sto-p hahaha" semi pleaded and Shirabu finally stopped and he was giggling himself aswell. Semi smiled and said "alright let's go back to napping~~ I promise to hold you tighter this time" semi smiled and Shirabu nodded getting back into the covers snuggling into semi.


So cute 🤫

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