Penut but

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2 chaps??? In less then 2 hours??😹😹
Also angst and fluff cause I'm cute asf 🤘😣

Taichi-> semi

You: semi the peanut butter is gone I have a feeling Shirabu is having a mental breakdown

Semi: omw

You: god damn ok the doors unlocked ig

Semi came threw the door and went to into Shirabus room to infanct find Shirabu crying over spoon full of peanut butter.

" fuck off." Shirabu says still staring at his phone.

"Uhm no the fuck? What happened kenjiro?" Shirabu look up at semi and lost all composure, putting his peanut butter on his desk running over to semi sobbing into the crook of semis neck.

Semi picked up Shirabu and sat on the bed with Shirabu on his lap.
"Shh it's ok. I am here now kenjiro.."

Shirabu was hyperventilating.

Semi makes Shirabu look at him, semi was not fond of seeing Shirabu cry no not at all.

"Shirabu breath with me.."
"Breath in" semi said sucking in a breath as Shirabu followed his breath hitched a couple times

"And out.." semi let his breath out slowly Shirabu as well.

Semi repeated this action until Shirabu caller down.

"Do you mind telling me to what happened?" Semi asked in a soft tone.

Shirabu Shook his head no and took a breath then started. "My parents are literal assholes."

Semi raised his eyebrow.
" my grandmother was blowing up my phone because I didn't.." Shirabus eyes watered " I didn't attend my great grandmothers funeral.. in which I was never even informed about her passing..." Shirabu let a tear slip

"My grandmother told me she told my parents to tell me but that never happened now everyone thinks I'm a bad person for nor showing up.. because my parents didn't tell me just like they didn't tell me when my other grandmother from my mothers side had cancer until she died. And what fucking."

Semi squeezed Shirabu. " at least you know it's not your fault in the slightest. And you should really talk to your parents about it or cut them off completely but I feel as if the first option is better.." semi said.

"I'll try." Shirabu said simply tears still slipping semi frowning.

Semi kissed both of Shirabus eyes and his forehead.
"I love you trust me."

"Oh I know.." Shirabu laughed

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