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The teams photos and videos of Shirabu.

1. Taken by ushjima wakatoshi.

Ushjima was sitting on satoris couch filming everyone, for something Tendō was putting together when the camera landed on Shirabu he had the face of confusion and disgust and said "I need help like mentally, and probably physically." Then ushjima turned the camera to eita who said "what?" Before getting tackled down by Tendō ushjima flipped the camera to himself and he had the most concerned look as reon could be heard from the other side of the room "FUCKKKK" the room went quite before Tendō said "reon, daddy, chill"
Taichi was in the corner going insane.

2.taken by eita.

"AHHHH" semi screamed as Shirabu chased him with a fake cockroach in his hand that semi thinks is real. Shirabu tripped and started dying of laughter.

"BRO I SWEAR IF THAT COCKROACH GETS AWAY-" semi screamed and Shirabu only laughed harder " I-ITS FAKE." Shirabu threw the toy bug at eita who flinched and saw that it was plastic and picked it up chucking it at tendo who was minding his own buisness.

3. Video by taichi.

Taichi started recording Shirabu as blood dripped down the man nose and said "uh kenji your nose.." Shirabu cocked and eyebrow touch around his nose when he felt liquid "oh" Shirabu said and the video cut to the lights flickering and Shirabu yelling "FRIENDS DONT LIE." Blood visible underneath his nose.

4. Photo taken by yamgata

Shirabu hand a hand over his mouth and tears falling now his cheeks as he flipped off yamgata in the photo and picture of Eddie (if ykwim) was on the tv and Shirabu was sobbing.

5.Taken by goshiki

They where all playing hide seek and Shirabu was on the counter semi was on top of the fridge and Tendō was clinging to the ceiling somehow, and goshiki had just found them and they all started laughing.

6. A picture Taken by Tendō satori.

Shirabus eyes where rolled to the back of his head and semi was in front of him a hand over his mouth and disappointment spread across his face.

7. Video taken by reon ohira

Semi and Shirabu where practically making out over nachos in which yamgata slid out from under them and ran away but semi and Shirabu continued making out and reon zoomed in on taichis face filled with concern in the background

8. Video taken by Tendō
Eita was holding Shirabu like a baby in the pool and accidentally dunked his head in the water Shirabu came up and asked "am I a child of god now?" Shirabu asked referencing baptism.

"May Shirabu kenjiro live on in out hearts
Semi eitas lover
Taichi kawanishis sworn companion.
Goshiki tsutumos mentor."

"Could've said my name correctly!" Goshiki cried from the crowd.

"Shiratorizawa volleyball teams no longer next caption.
Tendō satoris therapist.
Ushjima wakatoshis underling.
Reon and yamgata the side characters of kenjiros life.

He may not have had a lot of people he considers friends but there was a lot of people who hated him and some who cared and loved him.

May he rest in piece with his father."

You could hear people in the crowd crying, crowd being, karasuno, matsun, makki, iwazumi, inarazaki, fukorodani, nekoma, and shiratorizawa.

Sugawara walked away from the fake coffin as people went to few "the body" which was a stuffy with a paper taped to it which read 'sorry couldn't make it -kenjiro."

Semi rolled his eyes at his boyfriend who dosent make it too his own funeral. Semi sighed and kissed the stuffy on the forehead walking up to the stand to tell his speech.

"Shirabu kenjiro my now dead partner who seemed to have been unable to make it too his own funeral, despite most things kenjiro was sweet, or at least to me. I miss him already it hurts to think I could have saved him.. I'm sorry kenjiro.. if only you could have a second chance.. you're only 17 for fuck sake."

Tendō room over from semi on the stage and said

"hello sa-to-ri guess monster here and I'm guessing kenjiro already moved on from his death and is ready to go wherever he must. But I'm sure kenjiro wouldn't want- ok he would want us to be sad but that doesn't mean forever! He is within my heart forever.

If this was a real funeral I would Bawling oh my." Tendō finished leaving the stage.

Shirabu smiling after hearing what they had to say and continued to smile at the videos and photos playing in the background stz has so mercy even at funerals.

But now kenjiro is going to be treated like he's dead just like daichi, who right next to him listening to the speech's


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