no sleeps

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just a little kinda funny one-shot

The whole team was  well acquainted with the caffeine addiction of shirabus, and so was the whole school. Unfortunately if shirabu didn't get any form of caffeine everyone on the team would have to be very cautious. Shirabu had even managed a reputation with the teachers. Kenjiro was aloud in the Teachers office anytime of the day if a teacher was in there, so he can get something with caffeine if he was unable to.

Today was a BAD day, no one was in the teachers lounge, and when shirabu found someone to get him into the lounge all he could find was coffee, he doesn't HATE coffee but there wasn't any creamer. Shirabu sighed and walked out of the lounge thanking the teacher for their help. The teacher showed shirabu out and said "im sorry for the inconvenience about the creamer ill get some in there as soon as i can shirabu-kun." they said they were scared for their career. "It's ok, it's not your fault and i appreciate it thank you." he said disappointed walking through the hall with a glare. 

shirabu walked into the gym angrily and when to the locker room getting ready for practice, it was abundantly clear to everyone that shirabu was low on energy, and caffeine. The only person on the team brave enough to talk to shirabu with any tone was coach washijiro, who walked up to shirabu and said. "no caffeine eh? dosen't give you an excuse to scare the team out of their game alright?" he said sternly and shirabu nodded, with a look on his face washijiro chose to ignore but rolled his eyes walking away.

morning practice went okay, everyone managed to steer clear of upsetting shirabu and now shirabu was in class unfortunately the one with 'ms. i dont care about my students if they say sum out of line to mr S'. now mr. S shirabu didn't hate but he sure hated shirabu, when he was sent there. The teach kenjiro was currently with her name was actully Ms. T but who cares.

Ms. T could tell Shirabu wasn't going to be on her side today and she pulled shirabu to her desk before class started and said " I've heard that you uhm aren't your best today so i'm gonna give you a chance to go to mr. s and tell him i sent you because you weren't able to focus here before you start to push me." shirabu nodded his eyes leaving class and going to mr. s's.

"yes kenjiro?" he asked and the door and shirabu said "hello Mr.S Ms.T sent me here because she knew i wasn't going to be able to be in her class today .. im low energy." shirabu whispered the last part and Mr. S sighed and said "sit next to reon ohira, i assume you know him as hes an upperclassmen on the volleyball club which you are also on." he explained and shirabu nodded and sat next to reon.

"why hello shirabu-kun" reon smiled and shirabu relaxed as reon was treating him normally "hey.." the inner corners of shirabus lip curled up the slightly and dropped.

-time skip-

Shirabu was drowsy as fuck, at this point no amount of caffeine could save him. The bell rung signalling the end of school and now practice. Shirabu walked into the gym, into the locker room. Kenjiro sat down on one of the metal benches to put tape on his fingers, he ended up spacing out thinking of his bed, his sweet, beautiful, comfy, and warm bed. Semi looked at shirabu while sipping on whatever was in his water bottle and saw his finger turning purple, he almost spit out the liquid in his mouth.

"shirabu!" semi yelled putting down his bottle grabbing his hand unraveling the tape, "what the fuck shirabu!! your cutting off your circulation." shirabu slowly turned his head to semi "oops" he said slowly. semi finished wrapping shirabus fingers with tape for him. semi sighed and shoved his water bottle in shirabus hands and whispered "its coffee" shirabu suddenly had new found energy chugging the coffee, then almost spat it out "what the fuck semi this is actully good coffee?!?!" 

"thank you?" semi said conflicted on how to reply shirabu shook his head "no no thank YOU" shirabu chugged the coffee semi broke out in a cold sweat and left shirabu to the coffee. "jeez it almost looks like he's making out with your water bottle semisemi!" tendo said popping up behind semi. "JESUS- god satori and yes i know it had coffee in it." semi said then taichi popped up behind semi "shirabu drinking coffee unheard of.. either hes desperate or you make really good coffee" semi fliched again looking at taichi.

"yeah i guess- he said it was good coffee.." semi said nervously and yamagat appeared at his feet praying to him as if he was a god "yamagata what the fuck-" semi said before tendo and taichi joined yamagata and they all started chanting "praise lord semisemi eita-san, our savior from the devilishly caffeine addicted shirabubu." shirabu popped up from behind semi this time "god you guys are weird." semi fliched again "what the fuckk.." he said under his breath and looked back at the three infront of him except this time he sees a new person "you too goshiki?" reon asked as he appeared from behind semi causing him to flinch.

"WOULD YOU ALL STOP DOING THAT." semi said and groaned "yeah you guys are weird" ushjima said appearing from behind semi who flinched "im- WHAT THE FUCK??! how are you guys even doing that??!" semi said looking behind him seeing no one. "im curious too.. oh i just did it too haha" jin said attempting to climb semi from behind. "get  off me!!" semi said and shirabu snicked. 

pov: i need to stop watching new girl but im still only on season 1 :(

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