State testing part 7

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Bro me continuing this??

Shirabu put his roller skates on whilst semi had roller blades and Shirabu cringed "how the fuck do you balance in roller blades." Shirabu said scrunching his face.

"Practice" semi said simply but also painfully

"I wonder how many times you busted your ass 'practiceing'" Shirabu said and snorted

"Plent of times." Semis said then taking Shirabu hand dashing into a random direction.

Shirabu thought of something they could do and let go of semis hand as they headed down his and he bent his knees, forgetting he wasn't on a skateboard but it didn't matter.

Semi came up to him and didn't dare bend his knees. "You know you're not on a skateboard right?" Semi asked "yeah but there's no harm." Shirabu retorted.

Shirabu then took a sharp turn left semi following suit almost loosing his balance then he realized which street they where on.

Shirabu stopped in front of a house skating towards the door and rung the doorbell. Semi sighed in 'too tired to deal with the resident of this houses bull shit.'.

Tendō answered the door. "Oh shirabuuu what a nice surprise" Tendō smiled. Shirabu deadpanned " do you have water and can I leave my shoes here?"

Tendō acted hurt, " yes yes ooo HI SEMISEMI!" Tendō shouted at semi causing him to flinch "hi Tendō." Semi said nervously sweat falling.

Tendō went away to get water and Shirabu placed his shoes in the entrance of Tendōs house and closed the door skating back to semi who was sitting on a ledge.

Shirabu put a arm around semi a huge grin on his face. Semi took out his phone quickly snapping a picture of their little date for memories, capturing a gasping Tendō standing in the doorway of his house with two water bottles in his hands.

Okay if I made this into a deprecate book would you guys read it? 😅 yes I'm aware it would be a stupid book but what can you do :p

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